Colin and Ty work in the small parts factory of Metaltown, a dark, cold place where even children who work are only one step away from starvation and homelessness. Lena’s father owns the factory and his word rules Metaltown. The three meet by chance, and their fight for what’s right will either pull them together or bring their worlds down around them.
Metaltown by Kristen Simmons portrays a society where the neediest are also the most vulnerable, a world with perpetual war and the only dream is surviving. But Colin holds a spark of hope that by banding together they can all bring change. It’s a powerful message that even the weak can find ways to triumph over the strong.
Simmons keeps the plot moving with several twists that should keep readers engrossed in the dystopian future she envisions. It’s a fast-paced read that will keep you on the edge of your seat cheering for Colin, Ty and Lena as they fight for what they believe they deserve. I recommend Metaltown for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 11 and up.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.