Review: The Wildcat Behind Glass by Alki Zei

Tweet Fascism was gaining ground in Greece in the 1930s, but young Melia and her sister Myrto are more concerned about visiting their summer home by the seaside, where they run free with friends and don’t have to worry about … Continue reading

Book Review: Drawing Outside the Lines by Susan J. Austin

Tweet Architect Julia Morgan overcame barriers and blazed the way for women in the profession. In the early 1900s, she was the first woman admitted to study architecture at the École de Beaux Arts in Paris and the first woman … Continue reading

Book Review: Meet the Moon by Kerry L. Malawista

Tweet At 13, Jody Moran wants what most girls her age want: pierced ears, getting a bra, kissing a boy. But when her mom dies suddenly in an accident that severely injures her younger brother, her whole world is upended. … Continue reading

Book Review: Catch Me When I Fall by Bonnie Graves

Tweet Twelve-year-old Emma knows how to put in a good day’s work. Times are tough in Racine, Wisconsin during the Great Depression, but her mother has enough work to put food on the table and Emma helps with chores. Emma’s … Continue reading

Book Review: The Button Box by Bridget Hodder and Fawzia Gilani-Williams

Tweet Ava is Jewish and Nadeem is Muslim. They’re also cousins who live in a loving, interfaith extended family. When Nadeem is bullied at school, Ava jumps in to defend him. But her own friends advise her to avoid the … Continue reading

Book Review: What Every Girl Should Know by J. Albert Mann

Tweet Many people may recognize the name Margaret Higgins Sanger as the feminist and women’s health activist who established organizations that became Planned Parenthood. But most probably aren’t aware of her early life, her upbringing in a gritty Upstate New … Continue reading

Book Review: Angel Thieves by Kathi Appelt

Tweet Sixteen-year-old Cade Curtis and his dad steal angels—the stone kind that sit atop forgotten graves in forgotten cemeteries. They only do it out of necessity, like when the lady who owns the antique store where they both live says … Continue reading

Book Review: Invictus by L.L. Holt

Tweet When Beethoven was born he had a dark complexion, darker than anyone in the family. His father, who was prone to drinking and angry outbursts, was suspicious that the baby’s mother had not been faithful. But the young Louis … Continue reading

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