Tweet I loved being able to recommend good books for middle-grade readers, which is roughly defined as readers aged 9 to 12, The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook is one of those, so read on for the review, and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Reviews of Books for 11-13 Year Olds
Tweet Mavis Elizabeth Betterly, or May B., has been hired to help at a neighbor’s farm. On the Kansas prairie that means the neighbor is 15 miles away and May will be there from August until Christmas. She doesn’t want … Continue reading
Tweet Donna Gephart, who previously penned the funny and thoughtful books as if being 12-3/4 isn’t bad enough my mother is running for president! and How to Survive Middle School, has another great book for middle-grade readers aged 9 to … Continue reading
Tweet Claudette has heard the legend of how the baby-toe-eating giant was banished to the far-away mountain by the marquis of her town so he could never terrorize them again. Longing for adventure, she believes the giant should have been … Continue reading
Tweet Sarah Kay has been a performing poet since she was 14-years-old. At 22, she is now a slam poet who wrote a powerful note of love for an unborn daughter. First performed at TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), “B” … Continue reading
Tweet Here’s a guest book review from author Christina Hamlett. Visit her website for more information about her work, Title: Mistress Masham’s Repose Author: T.H. White Publisher: New York Review Children’s Collection (2004) Reviewer: Christina Hamlett What a wonderful … Continue reading
Tweet Thirteen-year-old Zardi is the daughter of the Sultan’s closest adviser. She lives with her family and Rhidan, a ward of the state since he was found on their shores as a babe years ago. Rhidan doesn’t look like anyone … Continue reading
Tweet In the early 1900s a girl named Beryl Clutterbuck was growing up on a ranch in what was then British East Africa. With a mother who had returned to England when she was a baby and a father who … Continue reading