Book Review: Fly! by Xavier Deneux

Fly! cover imageI’m a big fan of Xavier Deneux’s TouchThinkLearn series, and previously I’ve reviewed Colors and Opposites, two titles in the series. So I was thrilled to receive a copy of the newest title, called Fly!

In Fly!, a little bird meets a mate and together they build a nest. Soon after they tend two eggs in that nest until the eggs hatch, the baby birds grow, and finally, one takes its first flight. It’s a beautifully simple story that tunes little ones into the natural world just outside their bedroom window.

What I really love about Fly! is that each page not only features cut-out images, which the series is known for, but some of those images have puzzle pieces that can be removed from one page and inserted into a spot on the next page.

Fly! inside pageFor example, the opening pages say, “Bird arrived at the foot of the tree. It was the end of a very long journey.” The left-hand page features a cloud shape and a simple yellow bird with a red beak and red feet. The right hand page shows an illustration of dirt with grass, and a tree sprouting green leaves. A bird-sized cutout sits at the bottom of the tree, so a toddler can move the bird from its place on one page to the puzzle cutout on the other.

It’s the kind of hands-on involvement that toddlers love in books and that teaches gross motor skills at the same time. Here, children can pretend they make the bird fly, on other pages they can move the sun in the sky, build a nest, and watch eggs crack.

Will the puzzle pieces last? When dealing with toddlers it’s likely that the pieces will eventually bend, but the cutouts seem tight enough to hold them in place through many readings. I highly recommend TouchThinkLearn: Fly! for ages 2 to 4.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Book Review: Balderdash by Michelle Markel

Balderdash! cover imageWith the mountain of great children’s books to choose from these days, one could be forgiven for imagining children’s publishing has been around as long as adult books have been available for the masses. But it wasn’t until John Newbery (the man the Newbery Award is named for) became a publisher in the mid-1700s that books children could read for fun came along. Before that, children were expected to read preachy poems and manuals with lots of rules on how to conduct themselves.

Newbery’s life and the influence he had is told, fittingly, in a picture book by Michelle Markel called Balderdash! John Newbery and the Boisterous Birth of Children’s Books. The cover sets the tone for the story, with an aproned Newberry holding an open book surrounded by cheering children, many also holding books.

The tone throughout the book is playful and irreverent, which is how many in Newbery’s time saw him. But children loved the books he published, which were small and pretty. Some even came with a toy. It is believed that Newbery wrote many of the titles he published, but the author was officially anonymous.

Balderdash! ends with a short bio of the man, more about the books he published, and references for further reading. Book lovers of all ages will enjoy reading about this man who is so important to the emergence of good literature just for children.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates by Kathleen M. Reilly

Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates cover imageWhy do earthquakes occur? What contributes to the eruption of volcanoes? How do tectonic plates move against each other? The answers to these questions and others related to how our planet formed mountain ranges, ocean trenches, certain types of rock and more can be found in Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates by Kathleen M. Reilly.

It’s the kind of nonfiction book that’s great for budding geologists or scientists of any kind, but particularly those who are curious about the physical world around them. Filled with fun facts and words to know, Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates also has 25 projects that kids can do at home. Most will need the help of a parent and/or friend, which gives kids opportunities to interact with others while stimulating their intellectual curiosity.

The activities also give kids the opportunity to learn what it means to come up with a theory and test it out. And it shows how scientists don’t always learn the truth about what they are trying to figure out until they have tried and failed, or when others build upon their research.

Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates should be a great book to read through all at once, but it’s also good to keep it on the bookshelf where young readers can refer to it again and again, particularly when there’s a bit of current news related to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ocean exploration and more. I recommend it for readers aged 9 to 12.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Book Review: The Astounding Broccoli Boy by Frank Cottrell Boyce

The Astounding Broccoli Boy cover imageWhen Rory Rooney’s skin turns green on a field trip he lands in the isolation ward of a hospital in London, where the doctor wants to test and observe him to see if he’s contagious. Rory is shocked to see that the only other person in the ward is Tommy-Lee, his long-time bully. But once Rory realizes that Tommy-Lee can sleepwalk past the locked doors, he discovers his own explanation for the reason the two of them have changed skin tone: they are now superheroes, able to teleport, map out the city, and go into the world to do good. But the world at large is not quite ready to look at their daring actions in quite the same way.

The Astounding Broccoli Boy by Frank Cottrell Boyce gives voice to the bullied, the bullies, and those who are powerless to make themselves heard. When Rory tries to talk to his parents, his teachers, and his schoolmates about being bullied, they generally ignore him or blame him, and he realizes he’s on his own in dealing with it. Once he turns green Rory can’t even control where he lives or who is allowed to see him. It’s no wonder he gravitates to stories about superheroes, especially those who started out as ordinary humans and gained power through some outside force, aka Spiderman, to fight evil.

Locked up with his nemesis, Rory slowly comes to understand Tommy-Lee and the troubles he faces of his own. And while the two become friends of a sort, Rory is under no delusion that under the right circumstances Tommy-Lee will lash out at him again.

The Astounding Broccoli Boy is a classic Frank Cottrell Boyce tale about young people facing difficult situations and struggling to figure out the world around them and their place in it. They make innocent, uninformed mistakes, come to incomplete laugh-out-loud conclusions, and in the end, come away with a better understanding of each other and the people they interact with daily. I recommend it for readers aged 9 and up.

I checked out a copy of this book from the library and have provided an honest review.



Coloring Book Review: It’s All Connected by Karen Kay

It's All Connected cover imageFans of adult coloring books will be interested in It’s All Connected by Karen Kay. Nearly 50 hand-drawn illustrations fill one-sided pages. With no colors to bleed from front to back, you can frame your favorite pages after you add the color.

The author says she has included “little quirks” that she challenges colorists to find in each illustration. As colors reveal the patterns more richly, little details become more visible

I liked that the illustrations are all flower-like or snowflake-like, but none are easily identifiable as a specific thing. This makes it easier to choose colors that you want to put together instead of ones you think ought to be applied to a certain object. It’s All Connected should provide hours of relaxing fun.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.




Book Review: Wonderful You by Lauren McLaughlin

Wonderful You cover image“In a faraway land lived a lady in blue with a babe in her tummy named Wonderful You.” So starts Lauren McLaughlin’s adoption story picture book called Wonderful You. The story goes on to describe how the woman in blue searched far and wide to find a home for her baby that was loving and kind. The parents are overjoyed to be chosen, telling the baby “We already love you. We promise we’re ready.”

Meilo So’s illustrations have a fairy-tale quality, with characters depicted as floating in place, and riding on the moon and the wings of a bird. Scenes include rainbows and snowflakes, fields of flowers and clouds. They create a beautiful setting for a loving story parents can read to their adopted child.

The author’s note at the beginning recognizes that “every adoption story is different, but many of them share one thing—a sense of destiny.” Parents should enjoy talking about the details of adopting their own child as they read along. I recommend Wonderful You for read-aloud time for ages 3 to 7.

The author provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Book Review: Priscilla Gorilla by Barbara Bottner and Michael Emberley

Priscilla Gorilla cover image“When Priscilla turned six, her dad gave her a book called All About Gorillas. They read it a million skillion times!”

So starts Priscilla Gorilla, a book about an inquisitive, lively young girl who learns a lesson or two about how to get along in school as she plays out her fascination with gorillas.

Author Barbara Bottner deftly captures both the joys and challenges of being the parent or teacher of a six year old. When Priscilla, like lots of kids her age, focuses on gorillas, she wants to know everything about them. She also wants to look like one and act like one. Illustrator Michael Emberley portrays Priscilla’s flair for life perfectly, showing her drawing with her toes, wearing gorilla pajamas, swinging from a bookcase, and practicing a gorilla dance.

The trouble for Priscilla is, her outsize personality gets her in trouble with her teacher, who often has to send her to the Thinking Corner. Before long, she’s encouraging her classmates to act as she does, and most of them also end up in the Thinking Corner. That’s when Priscilla starts to realize that instead of making trouble, she’d like to cooperate.

In the end, a special trip lets all the classmates and the teacher have fun while appreciating what they learned from Priscilla.

Young readers aged 4 to 7 and their parents will fall in love with Priscilla Gorilla and one little girl’s quest to have a great time while she learns.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Book Review: Piper Perish by Kayla Cagan

Piper Perish cover imageFor years Piper Perish has had a plan to follow in the footsteps of her idol, Andy Warhol, and go to art school in New York City. She plans to escape her hometown of Houston with her two best friends, who are also artists. But everything starts to fall apart midway senior year when her boyfriend breaks up with her, her older sister becomes pregnant and moves back home, and several issues put a wedge between her and her best friend Kit. Channeling her stress into art saves Piper when she needs it the most.

Piper Perish by Kayla Cagan looks at a stressful time in life, graduating from high school and moving towards adulthood. Piper is a portrait of contradiction. She loves her parents, but she can’t stand the dynamic at home, where her sister’s mental issues take center stage. She wants to get away, but other than actually getting accepted into the only school she applies to, she doesn’t know how to make that happen. She wants things to go back to normal with her friends, but she takes actions she knows will make them mad and assumes they’ll get over it.

For someone so desperate to leave her current circumstances, I found Piper to be naive about the financial resources it would take her to do so, and unrealistic in limiting her opportunity for escape to one option. Her lack of planning meant only a fairy-tale-like solution would solve her problems.

I found Piper a hard character to like, and I would have preferred to know more about how she created her art and what made her so good at it. But I believe many teens are apt to identify with the conflicting emotions she experiences, which she communicates through diary entries that detail her life from New Year’s Day until the summer after graduation.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.




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