About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Nancy Kyme, Author of Memory Lake, Reflects On Mother-Daughter Relationships

Tweet Nancy Kyme has recently written a novel that’s also part memoir called Memory Lake: The Forever Friendships of Summer. The inspiration for the book came as Kyme drove her daughter and a friend to summer camp, the same one … Continue reading

Book Review: The Power of Half by Kevin Salwen and Hannah Salwen

Tweet Have you ever wished you could do more to contribute to a cause or organization you really believed in? Kevin Salwen and his family took that desire and turned it into something tangible by selling their upscale home, downsizing … Continue reading

Book Review: Rebel in a Dress by Sylvia Branzei, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet

Tweet The Rebel in a Dress series by Sylvia Branzei succeeds in showcasing women who have broken the boundaries of their times to achieve what they wanted. Illustrations by Melissa Sweet and historic photographs make each woman featured come alive … Continue reading

Book Review: Purple Daze by Sherry Shahan

Tweet In 1965 the U.S. was committing more troops to Vietnam, Malcolm X was assassinated, civil rights demonstrators marched from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and riots broke out in Los Angeles. Sex, drugs and rock and roll was the mantra … Continue reading

The Case for Family Book Clubs: Parents Reading to Children Indicator of Success at School

Tweet Thomas Friedman is more known for his observations on world affairs than family affairs, but in a recent opinion article for the New York Times, Friedman talks about how children show higher success rates in school when their parents … Continue reading

Book Review: I’ll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan

Tweet Sam doesn’t remember too much from before his dad took him and his little brother away from home for a life on the run. He just knows that it’s important that he not attract attention to himself when he … Continue reading

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