Tweet The true stories of adventurers, explorers and others escaping life-threatening situations are often more harrowing than anything fiction could imagine. Great Escapes in the Mystery & Mayhem series focuses on five escapes that actually happened. The stories range from … Continue reading
Category Archives: True Tales
Tweet In Rebels and Revolutions, a title in the Mystery & Mayhem series, author Judy Dodge Cummings focuses on five people who “fought for their rights and changed history.” They include a young boy who fought in the American Revolution, … Continue reading
Tweet Readers aged 9 to 12 are often attracted to stories about pirates and shipwrecks, and that may be especially true when those stories are about events that happened to real people. That’s the appeal of Pirates and Shipwrecks: True … Continue reading
Tweet Some kids are drawn to history, some are not. But most are probably fascinated with real-life stories about events that happened to adventurers and regular people in days gone by. The Mystery and Mayhem series does a great job … Continue reading
Tweet Cleopatra, Martin Luther, the Pilgrims, John Dillinger and Nelson Mandela all had two things in common: at some time in their lives they were in hiding from authorities, and their actions had an effect on history. The details of … Continue reading
Tweet Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes and Frauds Who Changed History by Brianna DuMont should put to rest any notion that history is boring. In twelve chapters focusing on historic figures, DuMont sets about answering questions such as: Did a female … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m featuring a review of the book Historical Heartthrobs. Check back in tomorrow when I’ll be taking part in the blog tour, where I’ll be featuring an interview with the author and a giveaway of the book. Here’s … Continue reading
Tweet England’s Highclere Castle has become widely known as the setting for the Downton Abbey series on PBS, with opening credits of each episode and interior scenes focusing on the grandeur of the historic seat of the Earl of Carnarvon. … Continue reading