Book Review: Bodyguard by Chris Bradford

Tweet Connor Reeves is the latest recruit in an elite organization that provides bodyguards for high profile clients. But Connor and his fellow bodyguards are unlike those of any other organization in the world: they are teens. They have an … Continue reading

Book Review: The Wonder of Us by Kim Culbertson

Tweet Abby and Riya have been best friends since before they can remember, but their relationship started to chill when Riya moved with her parents from their small California town to Germany. From a distance, it became difficult for them … Continue reading

Book Review: City of Grit and Gold by Maud Macrory Powell

Tweet Twelve-year-old Addie loves to run and feel the power in her growing legs, but she’s constantly cautioned to slow down, stay quiet, and do what her parents expect her to do. That’s difficult in Chicago during 1886, a time … Continue reading

Board Books Help Babies and Toddlers Learn About the World Around Them

Tweet Thick, sturdy pages for grubby fingers to grab. Simple illustrations and words to hold short attention spans. Snuggle-time inspiration for parents, babies and toddlers. Board books provide all these things and more. I’ve had an abundance of great board … Continue reading

Book Review: Balderdash by Michelle Markel

Tweet With the mountain of great children’s books to choose from these days, one could be forgiven for imagining children’s publishing has been around as long as adult books have been available for the masses. But it wasn’t until John … Continue reading

Book Review: Fault Lines & Tectonic Plates by Kathleen M. Reilly

Tweet Why do earthquakes occur? What contributes to the eruption of volcanoes? How do tectonic plates move against each other? The answers to these questions and others related to how our planet formed mountain ranges, ocean trenches, certain types of … Continue reading

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