About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin

Tweet Layla dreads starting 8th grade, another year, she assumes, of mediocre grades and the feeling of just getting by. Life at home has difficult moments too: her dad’s been gone since she was a baby, her mother juggles single-parenting … Continue reading

Book Review: Big Wishes for Little Feat by Cheryl Osten

Tweet Lafitte De Muze is a smaller-than-usual Belgian Warmblood show horse, rejected by potential owners because of his short stature. Ella is a lonely girl separated from her parents who longs for a friend. When the two meet, magical things … Continue reading

Book Review: Family in Six Tones by Lan Cao and Harlan Margaret Van Cao

Tweet Lan Cao came to the U.S. when she was 13, a refugee from Vietnam when U.S. troops were leaving. Throughout the years she has struggled to adapt to American culture. At times she has embraced the Vietnamese culture of … Continue reading

Book Review: Jayla Jumps In by Joy Jones

Tweet At 11, Jayla is mostly happy with her big extended family and her life at school. But she misses her best friend who moved away, and she worries about her mom’s health. When she sees a video of people … Continue reading

Book Review: The True Story of Zippy Chippy by Artie Bennett

Tweet Zippy Chippy was a racehorse descended from other famous racehorses. But one thing set him apart from any other thoroughbred destined to run around the tracks: he lost every race he ran in. You may wonder why a horse … Continue reading

Book Review: The Places We Sleep by Caroline Brooks DuBois

Tweet Twelve-year-old Abbey thinks the worst thing about starting seventh grade is being the new girl (again) when her dad is stationed at an Army base in Tennessee. But then planes fly into the World Trade Center in New York … Continue reading

Book Review: Stealing Mt. Rushmore by Daphne Kalmar

Tweet Thirteen-year-old Nellie has a lot on her shoulders. Her mother left the family, her dad sometimes gets depressed and stays in bed for days on end, and her younger brothers need someone around to be responsible. She believes if … Continue reading

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