Katherine Koller on Writing With Feedback From Her Mother-Daughter Book Club

Katherine Koller photo

Katherine Koller



As a long-time member of several mother-daughter book clubs, Katherine Koller knows that girls tend to be honest with their opinions about what they read. That’s why she wanted her book club members to read her manuscript for a novel she was working on, Art Lessons. Here, she talks about the experience and how it affected her final copy. You may also be interested in reading this interview with the author in the Edmonton Journal.

Art Lessons With My Mother-Daughter Book Club, by Katherine Koller.

I asked my mother-daughter book club to be my focus group for my novel manuscript, Art Lessons. I gave each of our eight mother-daughter pairs a bound photocopy and asked them to write all over it, with any questions or comments of any kind. At the meeting, I was nervous, even though I’d been writing professionally for the last twenty years! But these were my book club girls and moms. We’d been through six whole years of reading excellent books. This was my third mother-daughter book club, with my sixth daughter. But Art Lessons was my first novel.

In our book club format, questions travel around the circle, so everyone gets a chance to answer. I took notes. Lots and lots of notes. The girls and moms offered differing opinions, the same as all our past discussions. I listened carefully to the requests from girls to know more about any one character, and made sure to expand when I went back to rewrite. Girls asked about the characters; moms tended to question details, like how to pronouce Babci (Bab-chi), a Polish word for grandma. Both groups liked the lists in the book.

Because my main character Cassie grows from 7 to 18, her voice changes. The girls loved that they sometimes knew more than Cassie, especially when she’s younger than them. One mom said, “like nothing I’ve read before,” and another described the novel as a “portrait of the artist as a young girl in layers.” Everyone “could see” Cassie’s drawings from her descriptions.

From our book club discussion, I decided that Art Lessons appealed to both teens and adults.

Some questions for discussion about Art Lessons:

  • How does Cassie’s Polish grandmother, Babci, influence Cassie’s art?
  • Have you ever felt like Cassie when she’s “floating”? How and when?
  • Which of Cassie’s unlikely “teachers” did you like best? Why?
  • How would you feel if you, like Cassie, were sent away for a whole summer?
  • Which of Cassie’s drawings do you like the most, and why?

I wrote the book to show the development of a girl as an artist, how she observes the world and transforms it to art, how it affects others and herself. I have six daughters, all who are artists in their own way: musician, painter, designer, dancer, singer, photographer. I’ve dedicated the novel to them!

From Mother Daughter Book Club.com

Here is more information about Koller that you may want to know:

Art Lessons is published as crossover fiction for 14 and up and adult audiences by Great Plains Publishing (www.greatplains.mb.ca). Hear Katherine read a chapter, “Tree Day” from Art Lessons at www.katherinekoller.ca

Katherine Koller writes for stage, screen and page. Her trilogy of landwork plays, about industry and Alberta families, includes Last Chance Leduc (2015); The Seed Savers (2009); and Coal Valley: the Making of a Miner (2005). Voices of the Land: The Seed Savers and Other Plays was published in 2012. Her first novel, Art Lessons, about a girl who is transformed by her visual art, will be published by Great Plains Publishing in fall 2016. Katherine recently participated in a Writers Guild of Alberta mentorship on a collection of stories, The Lost Art of Second Chances. Her six-part web documentary on Edmonton youth changing their world, Sustainable Me, is online at www.sustainablemeyeg.ca. Besides writing opera and ballet libretti, Katherine is co-producer of Script Salon, a monthly play reading series, now over two years old, in Edmonton. She is currently working on Madonna of the Wilderness, an opera libretto; plays, Riverkeeper and Hope Soup; and a new novel, Sunflower Season. Katherine’s website is www.katherinekoller.ca




Book Review: Lowriders in Space by Cathy Camper

Lowriders in Space cover imageLupe Impala, El Chavo Flapjack and Elirio Malaria dream of one day opening their own car repair shop. When they hear about a competition that gives away a car load of cash for the winning car, they set out to turn a rusty old heap into a winner. Their quest takes them around the universe gathering special features to make their car really shine.

Lowriders in Space by Cathy Camper celebrates the spirit of hard-work and innovation in pursuit of your dreams. The three friends use a combination of their skills to transform an old clunker into a winner. They get just a little bit of help along the way from our galaxy of stars.

The story is also a celebration of lowriders, cars made to go low and slow. A note at the end of the book explains the history of lowriders and their popularity. Spanish phrases throughout are translated.

As a graphic novel about automobiles, Lowriders in Space should have particular appeal to boys, but girls should also be able to appreciate the story. lllustrations are mostly in red, blue and black, which gives it a kind of retro look. Artist Raúl the Third includes a note that he drew in ballpoint pen to “revisit the excitement” he felt as a kid when he drew. The result is fun, interesting, and may inspire others to pick up a pen and draw. I recommend it for readers aged 8 to 12.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Book Review: Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3 and Colors

Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3 and Colors cover imageFrom the authors of bestseller Steam Train, Dream Train comes two books to help kids learn numbers and colors.

Steam Train, Dream Train 1-2-3, takes kids on a ride while they learn numbers one through ten. Each page focuses on one number, the illustrations emphasizing that number in several different ways. The book starts with, “One engine holds one happy bear, rolling through the nighttime air. One headlight shines, one whistle blows, one bell rings as the engine goes.”

Young children also learn about the types of cars on a train, as animals ride in the engine, a flatbed car, a boxcar, hopper car, caboose, and more.

Steam Train, Dream Train Colors brings splashes of color while staying true to the overall look of the series. Animals, such as dinosaurs, monkeys, a giraffe, lion and others, ride the train. Some defy their normal colors, like a pink hippo and the purple bear. Others, like the white polar bear and the grey elephant, are more natural looking.

Both books feature soothing colors that evoke evening light, and they are great books to encourage little children to get sleepy while being read to.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Book Review: Two Across by Jeff Bartsch

Two Across cover imageStanley and Vera bond when they meet as teen contestants at the National Spelling Bee. Named rare co-winners, they see each other once a year when they return as former champs. They each understand the quirky upbringing the other has experienced, which may be why they decide to fake their own wedding so they can start over fresh. But will they know how to remain together once their friendship turns to something more?

Two Across by Jeff Bartsch is a story that looks at what happens when two highly intelligent but emotionally developing people get together. Once they create their scheme for a fake wedding, they get comfortable telling lies to all the people who are important to them. Stanley creates the most elaborate web, faking his college enrollment and helping students cheat to support himself. When the lies catch up to them, their relationship isn’t strong enough to hold them together. But they are not happy apart either. It’s only when they discover truths about their own personalities that they are ready to try being a couple again.

There’s a bit of mystery involved in the story too, as Stanley and Vera are both avid crossword solvers and creators. When they are apart, they send coded messages through crosswords they hope the other will discover. It’s an interesting concept that may interest readers in creating their own puzzles.

While I thought the pacing of the novel was a little slow, the story is sweet and there is much for mother-daughter book club readers with girls aged 15 and up to think about and discuss. The book delves into issues of truth, honesty, ethics, and commitment, all topics that mothers and their teen daughters will benefit from talking about.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Spud by Jon van de Ruit

Spud cover imageYoung John Milton (aka Spud) lives with his family in South Africa during the days before apartheid ends. He’s landed a scholarship to a prestigious boy’s boarding school and takes up residence in a house with a group of boys who become known as the Crazy Eight. Through his diary, Spud chronicles his adjustment to boarding school life and the challenges he faces fitting in, as he is one of the few boys his age (14) still waiting to develop.

Spud by John van de Ruit is lighthearted and funny even as it takes on serious topics that many boys will identify with. Spud knows he’s vulnerable because many of the other boys around him are bigger and stronger. He manages to find a middle ground that allows him to fit in enough to avoid most bullying without becoming a bully himself.

Other issues he’s working on include figuring out how to talk to girls and how to be a boyfriend; making friends, dealing with embarrassing parents, and experiencing loss. Tender moments, wise observations, and a bit of South African history and politics are sprinkled in amongst Spud’s escapades.

My daughter gave me her copy of this book and suggested I review it. She first picked it up thinking it would be similar to Roald Dahl’s hilarious memoir, Boy. While it was different from her expectations, she enjoyed it and recommends it. I believe Spud is especially appealing to boys aged 11 to 15, but girls should also enjoy reading about what boys this age are thinking.


Book Review: Living Large in Our Little House by Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell

Living Large in Our Little House cover imageWhen Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell and her husband Dale built their 480 sq. ft. home on a lake in the Ozarks, they had no idea they would end up living in it full time, or that they would be at the forefront of a tiny house movement across the country. Yet since 2007 they have shared these tight quarters with up to six dogs at a time, and Kerri gives advice to others on how they can transition to smaller abodes as well.

In Living Large in Our Little House: Thriving in 480 Square Feet with Six Dogs, a Husband, and One Remote—Plus More Stories of How You Can Too, Fivecoat-Campbell recounts the couple’s journey and also highlights how other couples, singles, and families with children across the country are “living large” and living happily in a small space.

Fivecoat-Campbell, who is also a journalist, writes with candor about the struggles she and her husband have faced as well as their triumphs. She’s also quick to point out that she’s not a tiny purist, as she and Dale have space for storing equipment and other items on their property. But I didn’t find that to lessen her core message that scaling back and living simply brings rewards of many kinds.

Living Large in Our Little House is part memoir, part how-to, and totally inspiring. Anyone considering downsizing is sure to get ideas that will help them plan for getting what’s most important to them when making the move.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Book Review: Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz, Illustrated by Eda Kaban

Old MacDonald Had a Truck, written by Steve Goetz and illustrated by Eda Kaban, is a wonderful play on words for a familiar song that most children know. It starts out as expected: “Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.” But then it veers off: “And on that farm he had an excavator. With a dig, dig, here and a dig, dig, there…”Old MacDonald Had a Truck cover image

The rest of the story goes through different types of equipment, among them a front loader, a bulldozer, a motor grader, a dump truck, and a steamroller. All that equipment is preparing something special that Old MacDonald and his wife are building.

Farm animals get in on the action, with chickens, sheep, pigs, goats, cows, dogs and others acting as the construction crew, driving the equipment, shoveling, and generally having a good time as they work. It’s all a lot of fun, especially when kids discover what the group is building.

Illustrations of tools are featured on the inside covers. Parents can point to things like hammers, pliers, a shovel, a wrench, a drill, a screwdriver and more, to help little children learn about tools to use around the farm or the home.

Turning the familiar song into something new will surely delight young readers and their parents.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: She Stood for Freedom by Loki Mulholland

She Stood for Freedom cover imageIn the late 1950s and early 60s, Joan Trumpauer was a teenager living in Virginia. The times were turbulent in the South, as court decisions went against the “separate but equal” mindset of race relations, and schools and other venues were ordered to integrate. Joan was white, but she believed that everyone should be treated equally. As she grew older, she participated in the Civil Rights movement, getting arrested and beaten time and again.

She Stood for Freedom: The Untold Story of a Civil Rights Hero, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, tells not only the experiences of one person, but also of the struggle that gripped the South during those years. It’s difficult to understand how Americans, black and white, were dragged from barstools at diner counters and beaten simply because they believed it was unjust to treat one race inferior to the other.

The dangers were real, as quite a few people working to create change were murdered for their actions. Joan continued to work for the cause even after she married and started a family. In a poem she wrote for herself to explain what she did, Joan wrote in part that she did “nothing but act like an American,” who was a Christian and had read the Declaration of Independence.

She Stood for Freedom is written by Joan’s son, Loki Mulholland, and it contains artifacts she kept from the time, including a letter written by her jailer in Mississippi to her mother, questioning how parents could allow their daughter to act the way she did. It’s all very sobering in an age appropriate way. Readers 9 to 12 will learn more about this recent period in American history. This book and a companion picture book for younger children were both illustrated by Charlotta Janssen. The images as well as old photos, flyers, and more, evoke the times and should inspire interest in this movement that still resonates in issues today.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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