Tweet Zoe has been best friends with Olivia since elementary school, spending long hours dancing ballet in an elite program and hanging out together. But when the ballet program cuts them because they’re not quite good enough, they suddenly find … Continue reading
Category Archives: Book Reviews
Tweet As sisters, Jazz and Olivia Moon could not be more different. Jazz is practical and sensible, and since she’s the older sister she’s also had to be responsible for Olivia, a free spirit who tends to wander where her … Continue reading
Tweet Jack is in a program for people with eating disorders because his parents want him to be there. He knows the truth: his thin frame looks good and he could even stand to lose a few pounds. Jack has … Continue reading
Tweet Peter Panda is a typical toddler, happy one minute, throwing a tantrum to get what he wants the next. That’s part of what makes Peter Panda Melts Down such a great picture book for parents to read with their … Continue reading
Tweet Fourteen-year-old Vicky Secord’s dad taught her everything she knows about sled dogs and survival in the remote area of Alaska where she lives. But since his death a year ago, she feels lost without his guidance. Even worse, she … Continue reading
Tweet Until she was thirty-eight, Cindy Chupack had plenty of material to write about what it was like to be single. Her New York Times bestseller, The Between Boyfriends Book, scripts for five seasons of Sex and the City, and … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m featuring a review of the book Historical Heartthrobs. Check back in tomorrow when I’ll be taking part in the blog tour, where I’ll be featuring an interview with the author and a giveaway of the book. Here’s … Continue reading
Tweet The story of Josephine Baker is legendary. Born into poverty in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1906, she rose to become a world-celebrated performer who advocated for civil rights and helped the cause of the French in World War II. … Continue reading