Tweet Recently I reviewed a book for young adults called Skin and Bones by Sherry Shahan. The book tackles the issue of anorexia and other eating disorders through the eyes of a teen guy, who is undergoing treatment. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: eating disorders
Tweet Jack is in a program for people with eating disorders because his parents want him to be there. He knows the truth: his thin frame looks good and he could even stand to lose a few pounds. Jack has … Continue reading
Tweet Sid feels like a freak among her fellow high school students. She’s tall, she has red hair that refuses to be tamed, and she’s got a large bust and a bubble butt that bring her attention she doesn’t want. … Continue reading
Tweet Rosemary Goode lives in Spring Hill, Tennessee, where her mother owns the busiest beauty shop in town. Her life is pretty routine: she goes to high school, works in her mother’s shop, and spends time on her own, but … Continue reading
Tweet Twelve-year-old Jane has always been in awe of her big sister, Lizzie, who is perfect in so many ways. But there’s nothing Jane can do to help when Lizzie’s obsession with being thin spirals into unending arguments with their … Continue reading