Book Review: The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates

Tweet A rainy-day conversation between a mom and her preteen daughter led the two of them to collaborate on a picture book called The Big Umbrella, which uses the metaphor of a red umbrella to show how people of all … Continue reading

Book Review: The Boggart Fights Back by Susan Cooper

Tweet When twins Allie and Jay Cameron accompany their father on a trip to his hometown in Scotland, they are wowed by the seals in the loch, Castle Keep on a little island, and the beauty of the village where … Continue reading

Book Review: Isabella for Real by Margie Palatini

Tweet Isabella is in a pickle. When she started at a fancy new private school her new friends thought she was secretly someone rich and famous, and she went along with their misperception. Then videos her cousin took of her … Continue reading

Book Review: The Boo-Boos That Changed The World by Barry Wittenstein

Tweet Band-Aids are such a big part of everyday life it’s hard to imagine a time when they didn’t exist. But in 1917, when Earle Dickson married Josephine Knight, the only way to deal with a cut or scrape was … Continue reading

Book Review: Eruptions and Explosions by Judy Dodge Cummings

Tweet Eruptions are a part of nature, while explosions often result from man-made mistakes. Judy Dodge Cummings highlights five outbursts that had major impact on the world in Eruptions and Explosions: Real Tales of Violent Outbursts, a title in the … Continue reading

Book Review: This Is Not a Valentine by Carter Higgins

Tweet A young boy wants his friend to know that he cares about her, so he gives her gifts he knows she will like, all the while saying, “This is not a valentine,” because of course valentines mean love, and … Continue reading

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