Tweet Band-Aids are such a big part of everyday life it’s hard to imagine a time when they didn’t exist. But in 1917, when Earle Dickson married Josephine Knight, the only way to deal with a cut or scrape was … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet The U.S.A. Road Trip! picture book and map from I See Me! publications lets adventurous kids learn more about the U.S. and what can be found in the different states. And since pages throughout the book can be personalized … Continue reading
Tweet Eruptions are a part of nature, while explosions often result from man-made mistakes. Judy Dodge Cummings highlights five outbursts that had major impact on the world in Eruptions and Explosions: Real Tales of Violent Outbursts, a title in the … Continue reading
Tweet A young boy wants his friend to know that he cares about her, so he gives her gifts he knows she will like, all the while saying, “This is not a valentine,” because of course valentines mean love, and … Continue reading
Tweet Ali Fadhil was just an ordinary boy living in Basra, Iraq in 1991. He loved to play soccer with his brothers and his friends, he worried about school bullies, he spent a lot of time playing video games, and … Continue reading
Tweet Did you know that in the 1870s kidnappers planned to steal Abraham Lincoln’s body and hold it for ransom? Or that the people of New York rioted in 1778 to protest the practice of doctors stealing bodies from graves … Continue reading
Tweet In 1833 a white woman named Prudence Crandall opened a boarding school for “young Ladies and little Misses of Color” in Canterbury, Connecticut, setting off a firestorm of protest in her hometown that lasted until the school closed 18 … Continue reading
Tweet Using technology on multiple devices has become such a ubiquitous part of our lives that it’s hard for parents to know how to set limits on programs and screen time for their children. They may also wonder if educational … Continue reading