About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The River Between Hearts by Heather Mateus Sappenfield

Tweet The River Between Hearts by Heather Mateus Sappenfield starts on the first day of summer after fourth grade, when Rill Kruse follows her cat Clifford into the woods and to the family tree house. The one her dad helped … Continue reading

Turtle: Overcoming Hurdles Female Athletes Face Through The Power of Reading

Tweet Guest post by Pamela Jouan-Goldman and Julia Goldman What started as a pandemic project morphed into something more for my daughter and I, inspired by her own journey as an athlete. As a mother of a 12-year old who … Continue reading

Book Review: Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round by Kathlyn J. Kirkwood

Tweet Every January governments, workplaces, and people around the U.S. pause to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his legacy. But the national holiday that falls on or near his birthday each year didn’t simply arise on its own … Continue reading

Book Review: Puzzle Odyssey by Helen Friel & Ian Friel

Tweet Puzzle Odyssey, An Epic Maze Adventure by Helen Friel & Ian Friel introduces young readers to Homer’s classic tale of Odysseus’s long journey home after the Trojan War. The authors provide a synopsis of the story, told a few … Continue reading

Book Review: Photo Ark ABC by Debbie Levy and Joel Srtore

Tweet The stunning photographs of animals are paired with verse that just itches to be spoken. Also, the words are different sizes, shapes and colors that move across the page flowing around and between, over and under photographs. For instance, … Continue reading

Book Review: The Lost Language by Claudia Mills

Tweet Betsy and Liz dub themselves Bumble and Lizard when they become friends in elementary school. And they stay fast friends, a fact Betsy’s mom is not thrilled about, as she worries that Betsy lets Liz have too much control … Continue reading

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