Tweet Dark and foreboding, Klickitat is told through the eyes of Vivian, a teen whose family is stressed by her older sister’s (Audra) rebellion and Vivian’s unnamed mental malady that causes her to retreat far within herself when she is … Continue reading
Category Archives: Social behaviors (bullying, drugs, sex, alcohol, eating disorders, mental illness, etc.)
Tweet Summer’s life is seriously messed up. She’s been kicked out of four boarding schools and she can’t make herself care much about doing the work she needs to do to graduate from her current school in Paris. With her … Continue reading
Tweet It’s 1969 and the biggest concert of the summer is about to take place at a farm in Bethel, near Woodstock, New York. Seventeen-year-old Cora lives on a nearby farm and volunteers as a candy-striper in the medical tent. … Continue reading
Tweet Life has not been easy for Jonathan Aubrey after he survived the plane crash that killed his family 10 years ago. Now a senior in high school, he’s adrift without plans for after he graduates. There’s only one place … Continue reading
Tweet On the cusp of graduating from high school, Glory O’Brien is in the midst of a crisis that only she knows about. Her mother committed suicide when she was four, and Glory worries that even though she doesn’t feel … Continue reading
Tweet When Grace thinks back on her childhood, she sees it split into two: the time before her mother got sick and died, and the time after, when the letters her mother wrote to her started to arrive. Before, even … Continue reading
Tweet The Marcheson family is slowly coming undone. The parents are divorced, and Kik, the mom, is afraid she’s about to lose her teaching job. The oldest daughter is skipping school, doing drugs, and angry most of the time. The … Continue reading
Tweet Kevin is the youngest of five boys, and it seems to him that his parents have no time to think about him. One of his brothers bullies him, and he in turn takes it out on other kids in … Continue reading