Tweet If you are like most parents, talking to your teens about touchy subjects liked sexting, drinking, drugs and other risky behaviors ranks even lower on your list of things to do than getting a root canal. You know it’s … Continue reading
Category Archives: Parenting
Tweet As parents, we may think we know about our kids’ relationship with digital devices. Yet, our relationships with computers, the Internet, smart phones, e-readers and more will always be different than what our children experience simply because they are … Continue reading
Tweet For years millions of readers have discovered how to be more creative by reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. But many readers who are also parents pushed Cameron for more, asking how they could apply her thoughts on creativity … Continue reading
Tweet If you ever feel that family life is like being on a speeding treadmill in a never-ending rush from one chore or activity to another, take heart. A book by Bernadette Noll, cofounder of, has a few ideas … Continue reading
Tweet How many times have you wished you had a different solution when your kids act up than threatening with a time out or losing your cool and demanding they just do what you say? Situations that pit child against … Continue reading
Tweet There are many books to help parents decide how to raise their children. But a new book by Charlotte Kasl, Ph. D., takes an approach I haven’t seen before. It’s called If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to … Continue reading
Tweet My Bad Parent: Do As I Say, Not As I Did by Troy Osinoff has to be seen to be believed. Osinoff has collected photographs of parents doing questionable things with their kids. Some seem staged to be funny, … Continue reading
Tweet Every parent of teens expects difficulties as their children go through adolescence. But what’s less expected and talked about are the issues that arise when children move into their late teens and early 20s and move away from home … Continue reading