Tweet Wilf is a worrier. He is afraid of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of his mouth and wigs and roller skates and elevators and twirly mustaches and many more things. But when evil lunatic Alan moves in … Continue reading
Category Archives: Humor
Tweet Nora Alpers likes making observations and collecting facts, particularly about the ants in her ant farm. As a budding scientist, she knows that facts can be used to draw logical conclusions. Nora is happy to help her friends take … Continue reading
Tweet Managing the conflicting priorities of work, marriage and motherhood often calls for a juggling act that can stress even the most calm women, who are often told that being successful at all three is just a matter of balance. … Continue reading
Tweet Eleven-year-old Cornelia Warne is destitute when she shows up on her aunt’s doorway in Chicago one day in 1859. Her parents and siblings have all died, and Aunt Kitty is the only relation she has left in the world. … Continue reading
Tweet Kenn Nesbitt firmly believes that reading funny poems helps kids learn to read by making them laugh and want to keep turning pages. If that’s the case, then his newest book, The Biggest Burp Ever: Funny Poems for Kids, … Continue reading
Tweet Until she was thirty-eight, Cindy Chupack had plenty of material to write about what it was like to be single. Her New York Times bestseller, The Between Boyfriends Book, scripts for five seasons of Sex and the City, and … Continue reading
Tweet Robert’s grandma is teaching him about anagrams, or words and phrases where the letters can be mixed up to form different words and phrases. She says, “Anagrams are easy to SPOT, but hard to STOP.“ Those four letters can … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m thrilled to review this great new book for young readers. I’m also excited to feature an interview with author Kathi Appelt tomorrow as part of her blog tour. Check back in then to see what she has … Continue reading