Book Review: Slow Family Living by Bernadette Noll

Tweet If you ever feel that family life is like being on a speeding treadmill in a never-ending rush from one chore or activity to another, take heart. A book by Bernadette Noll, cofounder of, has a few ideas … Continue reading

Book Review: If I Have to Tell You One More Time by Amy McCready

Tweet How many times have you wished you had a different solution when your kids act up than threatening with a time out or losing your cool and demanding they just do what you say? Situations that pit child against … Continue reading

Book Review: Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor

Tweet In Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Laini Taylor created a world where angels and creatures are pitted against each other as two star-crossed lovers, Karou and Akiva, strive to bridge the gap and bring peace to their worlds. In … Continue reading

Book Review: Mink River by Brian Doyle

Tweet In Mink River, Brian Doyle melds Native American folklore, Irish storytelling, a host of quirky characters, and a little bit of the fantastical to bring a coastal Oregon town to life. The town is Neawanaka, whose residents get by … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: Saving Each Other by Victoria Jackson and Ali Guthy

Tweet Victoria Jackson faced every mother’s worst nightmare when she was told that her vibrant, seemingly healthy 14-year-old daughter has a rare autoimmune disease and that she may only have four to six years to live. Instead of accepting that … Continue reading

Book Review: Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm by Philip Pullman

Tweet Many of the fairytales that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected and published in the 1800s are well known even today: Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood. So why would anyone be interested in reading a … Continue reading

Book Review: If the Buddha Had Kids by Charlotte Kasl, Ph. D.

Tweet There are many books to help parents decide how to raise their children. But a new book by Charlotte Kasl, Ph. D., takes an approach I haven’t seen before. It’s called If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to … Continue reading

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