Tweet If you ever feel that family life is like being on a speeding treadmill in a never-ending rush from one chore or activity to another, take heart. A book by Bernadette Noll, cofounder of, has a few ideas … Continue reading
Category Archives: Reviews of Books for Adults
Tweet How many times have you wished you had a different solution when your kids act up than threatening with a time out or losing your cool and demanding they just do what you say? Situations that pit child against … Continue reading
Tweet In Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Laini Taylor created a world where angels and creatures are pitted against each other as two star-crossed lovers, Karou and Akiva, strive to bridge the gap and bring peace to their worlds. In … Continue reading
Tweet Hale loves to sing and perform in the theater in New Orleans where she grew up, but the time is coming for her to leave. She understands how the other women earn their keep by taking gentlemen into the … Continue reading
Tweet In Mink River, Brian Doyle melds Native American folklore, Irish storytelling, a host of quirky characters, and a little bit of the fantastical to bring a coastal Oregon town to life. The town is Neawanaka, whose residents get by … Continue reading
Tweet Victoria Jackson faced every mother’s worst nightmare when she was told that her vibrant, seemingly healthy 14-year-old daughter has a rare autoimmune disease and that she may only have four to six years to live. Instead of accepting that … Continue reading
Tweet Many of the fairytales that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected and published in the 1800s are well known even today: Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood. So why would anyone be interested in reading a … Continue reading
Tweet There are many books to help parents decide how to raise their children. But a new book by Charlotte Kasl, Ph. D., takes an approach I haven’t seen before. It’s called If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to … Continue reading