Tweet Today I’m taking part in a WOW! Women on Writing blog tour for Melanie Faith’s From Promising to Published. This book for aspiring and beginning writers is sure to provide a dose of inspiration along with its practical advice. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Reviews of Books for Adults
Tweet At 35, Mika Suzuki is still waiting for her life to start. An incident in college, a young pregnancy, a daughter given up for adoption, all events that derailed who she thought she would be one day, and she’s … Continue reading
Tweet Dear Dana by Amy Weinland Daughters is somewhat of a story within a story. A tale for our lives now that started when the author realized that someone she knew as a teen, and who she was friends with … Continue reading
Tweet Born shortly after World War II ended, Neill McKee grew up during the 1950s and 60s in Elmira, a small town in Ontario where his father and uncle owned a farm equipment business. Given lots of freedom to roam, … Continue reading
Tweet As a writer, I often look to writing advice books for ways to inspire creativity and help me continue to sit down and write on a regular basis. The Happy Writing Book: Discover the Positive Power of Creative Writing … Continue reading
Tweet In her psychotherapy practice, Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor began to explore the importance of the mother-daughter relationship to her patients, many of whom were dealing with eating disorders. While helping others connect with their unexamined trauma, she turned her … Continue reading
Tweet If on your journey through motherhood you find yourself making mistakes, messing up, and generally going through phases of just needing to get through another day, M*mmy Cusses: Inspiring Profanity and Stimulating Sarcasm For Mamas Who’ve Seen It All … Continue reading
Tweet Lan Cao came to the U.S. when she was 13, a refugee from Vietnam when U.S. troops were leaving. Throughout the years she has struggled to adapt to American culture. At times she has embraced the Vietnamese culture of … Continue reading