Book Review: From Promising to Published by Melanie Faith

Tweet Today I’m taking part in a WOW! Women on Writing blog tour for Melanie Faith’s From Promising to Published. This book for aspiring and beginning writers is sure to provide a dose of inspiration along with its practical advice. … Continue reading

Book Review: Mika in Real Life by Emiko Jean

Tweet At 35, Mika Suzuki is still waiting for her life to start. An incident in college, a young pregnancy, a daughter given up for adoption, all events that derailed who she thought she would be one day, and she’s … Continue reading

Book Review: The Happy Writing Book by Elise Valmorbida

Tweet As a writer, I often look to writing advice books for ways to inspire creativity and help me continue to sit down and write on a regular basis. The Happy Writing Book: Discover the Positive Power of Creative Writing … Continue reading

Book Review: The Girl in the Red Boots by Judith Ruskay Rabinor, PhD

Tweet In her psychotherapy practice, Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor began to explore the importance of the mother-daughter relationship to her patients, many of whom were dealing with eating disorders. While helping others connect with their unexamined trauma, she turned her … Continue reading

Book Review: M*mmy Cusses by Serena Dorman

Tweet If on your journey through motherhood you find yourself making mistakes, messing up, and generally going through phases of just needing to get through another day, M*mmy Cusses: Inspiring Profanity and Stimulating Sarcasm For Mamas Who’ve Seen It All … Continue reading

Book Review: Family in Six Tones by Lan Cao and Harlan Margaret Van Cao

Tweet Lan Cao came to the U.S. when she was 13, a refugee from Vietnam when U.S. troops were leaving. Throughout the years she has struggled to adapt to American culture. At times she has embraced the Vietnamese culture of … Continue reading

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