Book Review: Exploring Gotham City by Matthew K. Manning

Tweet A stunning guide especially for Batman fans but impressive to anyone, Exploring Gotham City: An Illustrated Guide is filled with little-known facts and secrets about the history of the dark knight’s home. The more than 300 original illustrations by … Continue reading

Book Review: The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself by Susan Hayes and Penny Arlon

Tweet Parents looking for environmentally friendly activities they can do with their children will find inspiration, instructions and materials in The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself. Authors Susan Hayes and Penny Arlon present a variety of projects that appeal to … Continue reading

Book Review: My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin

Tweet Layla dreads starting 8th grade, another year, she assumes, of mediocre grades and the feeling of just getting by. Life at home has difficult moments too: her dad’s been gone since she was a baby, her mother juggles single-parenting … Continue reading

Book Review: Jayla Jumps In by Joy Jones

Tweet At 11, Jayla is mostly happy with her big extended family and her life at school. But she misses her best friend who moved away, and she worries about her mom’s health. When she sees a video of people … Continue reading

Book Review: The Places We Sleep by Caroline Brooks DuBois

Tweet Twelve-year-old Abbey thinks the worst thing about starting seventh grade is being the new girl (again) when her dad is stationed at an Army base in Tennessee. But then planes fly into the World Trade Center in New York … Continue reading

Book Review: Stealing Mt. Rushmore by Daphne Kalmar

Tweet Thirteen-year-old Nellie has a lot on her shoulders. Her mother left the family, her dad sometimes gets depressed and stays in bed for days on end, and her younger brothers need someone around to be responsible. She believes if … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: Dan Unmasked by Chris Negron

Tweet Today I’m reviewing a book I loved that’s great for readers aged 9 to 14. It’s called Dan Unmasked, and I have one copy to give away to someone who comments here. Just leave a note telling me if … Continue reading

Book Review: Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime by Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen

Tweet Classic children’s tales like Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland and more are retold with a twist, in the graphic novel by Derek Fridoles and Dustin Nguyen, Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime. Each familiar story is adapted to the Batman … Continue reading

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