Book Review: Playing Atari With Saddam Hussein by Jennifer Roy

Tweet Ali Fadhil was just an ordinary boy living in Basra, Iraq in 1991. He loved to play soccer with his brothers and his friends, he worried about school bullies, he spent a lot of time playing video games, and … Continue reading

Book Review: Tomb Raiders by Judy Dodge Cummings

Tweet Did you know that in the 1870s kidnappers planned to steal Abraham Lincoln’s body and hold it for ransom? Or that the people of New York rioted in 1778 to protest the practice of doctors stealing bodies from graves … Continue reading

Book Review: The Forbidden Schoolhouse by Suzanne Jurmain

Tweet In 1833 a white woman named Prudence Crandall opened a boarding school for “young Ladies and little Misses of Color” in Canterbury, Connecticut, setting off a firestorm of protest in her hometown that lasted until the school closed 18 … Continue reading

Book Review: Be The Parent, Please by Naomi Schaefer Riley

Tweet Using technology on multiple devices has become such a ubiquitous part of our lives that it’s hard for parents to know how to set limits on programs and screen time for their children. They may also wonder if educational … Continue reading

Book Review: Don’t Forget Dexter by Lindsay Ward

Tweet Dexter is a T-Rex who’s a lovable softie, the playmate of a child who accidentally forgets him in the pediatrician’s waiting room. When Dexter realizes he’s alone he sets out to find his friend Jack, drawing a picture of … Continue reading

Interview: Lindsay Ward, Author of Don’t Forget Dexter

Tweet Don’t Forget Dexter is an adorable picture book that celebrates the bonds between a child and his special toy. Today I am taking part in a blog tour with a feature interview of the book’s author, Lindsay Ward, who … Continue reading

Book Review: March Forward, Girl by Melba Pattillo Beals

Tweet From an early age, Melba Pattillo Beals chafed against the rules African Americans had to follow in the Jim Crow South. Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, she only felt safe when at home with her mother and … Continue reading

Book Review: The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart

Tweet Four children with no parents around to care for them are brought together under unusual circumstances and given a mission. They are to stop the plans of a man who intends to take over the world. The four, Reynie, … Continue reading

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