Book Review: The Vietnam War by Barbara Diggs

Tweet The involvement of U.S. military in Vietnam is a complicated story that took place during a complicated time. American presidents, their advisors, and the military escalated involvement even after they believed they could not win, for reasons related more … Continue reading

Book Review: The Space Race by Matthew Brenden Wood

Tweet With space travel becoming more common and private companies promising to one day send tourists into orbit, it’s easy to assume that travel to the moon and beyond was a goal much supported by Americans. But the drive to … Continue reading

Book Review: Fairy Spell by Marc Tyler Nobleman

Tweet In 1917 two girls in Cottingley, England convinced the world that fairies lived at the creek on their property. They even took photos to prove they were telling the truth. Experts examined the photos and declared them to be … Continue reading

Book Review: Tiny Infinities by J. H. Diehl

Tweet Swimming is the one constant Alice can count on when her family starts to fall apart. When she concentrates on the rhythm of moving from one end of the pool to the other she doesn’t have to think about … Continue reading

Book Review: Hello Hello by Brendan Wenzel

Tweet Brendan Wenzel’s picture book, Hello Hello explores the animal world by making connections relating to size, shape, color and concepts that will help young children learn about the world around them. Wenzel starts off with a simple concept—two cats—one … Continue reading

Book Review: Armstrong & Charlie by Steven B. Frank

Tweet Charlie is about to start 6th grade when he learns that kids from a mostly African American neighborhood will be bused into his school and his friends are transferring out. His parents think it’s important that he stay. Armstrong’s … Continue reading

Book Review: Little Sid by Ian Lendler

Tweet Before Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, he was a spoiled young prince that everyone wanted to please. People gave him everything he could possibly wish for, but it didn’t make him happy. So he set out to seek happiness … Continue reading

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