Interview with Sheila O’Connor, Author of Sparrow Road

Sheila O'Connor photoHow did you decide to become a writer?

SOC: I had always wanted to be a writer, even before I could write, but it didn’t seem possible to me. I didn’t know any writers; I didn’t know how someone became such a thing. It wasn’t until I took a writing class in college and my professor, the novelist Alan Burns, encouraged me to write, that I finally believed that I could become a writer. Alan Burns told me that I could; he actually told me that I should, and he wouldn’t accept excuses.

Sparrow Road sounds like such an interesting place. Is it modeled from a real home that you know or is it all fictional?

SOC: Sparrow Road is entirely fictional. I have spent time at several artists colonies, as well as a working retreat farm run by some wonderful nuns, and each one of these places is dear to my heart. In a way, they’re all part of Sparrow Road-but as a place-Sparrow Road is its own enchanted world.

Sparrow Road seems to be an anomaly these days when so many of us are connected 24/7. What do you think is the value of spending time away from technology and in quiet reflection?

SOC: Each of the places I mentioned allowed plenty of time for quiet. I remember a kind of fear at the start of each residency: What will I do alone, with no phone or friends or family? But the answer really was just dream. Dream my way into a story.  And that’s exactly what I did. The silence allowed me time to day dream, to imagine a story into life, to work the long uninterrupted hours I need to write a book.

Do you see the pursuit of all types of art as being related in some way? If so, how?

SOC: Oh yes, I do. Of course every art form is distinct, as every artist is distinct, but I believe we are all engaged in the power of creation -the desire to make something new-to say something important to the world whether it’s through dance or theatre or film or music or fiction. I keep a Faulkner quote at my desk that says it better than I do: “The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life.” William Faulkner. For myself, I want the work to move again like life.

Other than writing, are there other types of art you like to create?

SOC: As a creator, I am primarily a writer. As an art lover I take in a lot of theatre, visual art-I’m a great fan of collage, fabric art, cinema and of course music. Other artists inspire me.

What role do you see art having in helping people get through emotionally hard times?

SOC: The act of creating is an act of affirmation; I believe in possibility-and that kind of hope serves us all well in hard times.In the end, art-making can’t happen without faith, and faith is a tremendous gift to any spirit.I have no doubt art can help us heal-can help us work toward resolution, there is something deeply restorative about the act of naming, of identifying or making public, our stories and our losses. I have seen it in my own life and the lives of many others.

There’s a bit of mystery in Sparrow Road too, a bit of it having to do with the home’s former role as an orphanage. How did that layer affect the story you were writing about Raine?

SOC: Well I like a layered story-I want any story to be about three of four important things-maybe more, and the orphanage history inadvertently helps Raine make sense of her own story. We are always borrowing from others to make sense of our own world, and Raine is just like us in that regard. Her empathy for the orphans, her growing understanding of their plight, shine light on her own losses.

How do you think Raine’s imagining of the orphan Lyman helps her deal with the issues in her own life?

SOC: What a wonderful question. These are all wonderful questions. And yes, I do. Lyman is Raine’s own creation, and what we all create-intentional or not-is part of our own psyche. Through Lyman she’s able to consider what it means to be an orphan-and to realize the ways in which she’s not so far from that herself.

Raine learns that people aren’t always the way they seem on the surface. I think it’s difficult in real life for most of us to look beyond our first impressions of people. Do you have any advice about how to resist making snap judgments?

SOC: Strange as this sound, I think reading fiction trains us in that very practice. Fiction requires empathy-and empathy works against judgment. A good book allows us to inhabit the private lives of characters, people often quite unlike ourselves. We learn their hopes and disappointments through their stories, their failures and frustrations, how they love and how they lose the things they love-and often we discover their hearts are not so far from ours.

Do you have anything else to add for readers at Mother Daughter Book Club. com?

SOC: Cross-generational reading is such an incredibly important experience and I applaud everyone who makes the time for it. The kids have sports and music and lessons and homework and video games and computers-but they still need time for stories. Stories are essential to how we learn to live. I cherish the years I spent in my own mother-daughter book club, all the books Mikaela and I read together, tales and characters we still reference. The ritual of the book club made reading seem important-and I remember how closely I listened to Mikaela-how eager I was to hear her thoughts about the book. She’s grown now, but she’s still my first choice as a fellow reader-and one of the best critics of my work.

Enjoy your mother-daughter book club time. It passes all too soon.


Book Review: Sparrow Road by Sheila O’Connor

Sparrow Road cover imageTwelve-year-old Raine O’Rourke has no idea why her mother suddenly whisked them away from their home in Milwaukee to take a summer job in Michigan. Sparrow Road is a refuge for artists where they can pursue their craft without distractions. This means no speaking during the day, no television, no children and no noise. The owner is a mysterious, creepy guy named Viktor, and Raine can’t wait to call her grandpa to take her back home.

But as she gets to know the artists and the area, Raine comes to love the peaceful days and the chance she gets to wander freely and write stories. She also sets out to discover the mystery surrounding why she and her mom came to Sparrow Road, and in the process, she discovers a secret that will change everything.

Sparrow Road by Sheila O’Connor is a beautifully told coming of age story that I found myself savoring as I read. Raine is at an age where she resists changes to her way of life, but she’s also open to new possibilities. Her city life was insulated, and in the quiet safety of Sparrow Road, we see her blossom. The long summer days give her lots of time to study the people around her, think about her own life, and spend time on creative pursuits. As summer ends, it seems that Raine will know what choice she needs to make going forward.

While Sparrow Road starts off like a mystery, it unfolds gently and satisfyingly as it morphs into a story about family, friendship, self-discovery and forgiveness. I highly recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 9 to 12 or even up to 14.

Book Review: The Sweetest Thing by Christina Mandelski

The Sweetest Thing cover imageThere’s nothing more Sheridan Wells loves than decorating cakes. She’s got a talent for creating just what a cake needs to look perfect before it’s shuttled off to a party. Unfortunately, the rest of her life is not so perfect. Her dad is a well-known chef who’s been offered his own cooking show. But he’d have to move from their small Michigan town to New York to do it.

Sheridan doesn’t want to leave her friends or her Nanny behind. Plus, she’s dating a guy she’s had a crush on for years, and she’s sure her mom, who left home years ago and hasn’t been in touch much since, is going to come home any day. Sheridan has to be there when she does.

The Sweetest Thing by Christina Mandelski is perfect for teen fans of TV shows like “Cake Boss,” “Ace of Cakes” and “Ultimate Cake Off.” Descriptions of Sheridan’s decorating will make you hungry for cake, but you’ll also see how she throws herself into her work to avoid dealing with other issues in her life. She used to be close to her dad, but now they’re more often upset with each other. Her best friend, Jack, may have a crush on her, and he definitely doesn’t approve of her new boyfriend. She’s afraid to develop any talents outside of decorating cakes, because that’s something she shared with her mom.

Finally, Sheridan has to face up to all of her issues even though accepting the truth may be painful, unsettling, and full of uncertainty. The Sweetest Thing is a good choice for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up.



Tips for Staging Rut-Busting Book Club Discussions

It’s easy to settle into a routine with your book club when it’s time to discuss the book. We’re all creatures of habit, and there’s something comforting about knowing what to expect when you show up at your reading group meeting. Routine has the advantage of making it easier for you when you’re the one in charge of leading the discussion, too. If you follow an established formula, you can be relatively sure that book talk will go smoothly.

Yet sometimes following an expected pattern can get boring, and your predictable group may run the risk of its members losing interest. That’s why it’s good to liven up your discussions every now and then. Here are a few ideas for ways to bust out of your meeting ruts and get everybody energized.

  1. Ask members to bring something to share—when one of the members of my reading group assigned poetry to read one month, she also gave us an assignment: write at least one poem of any type and read it at the meeting. This got us talking about the kinds of poetry we liked, our favorite poets, and why we chose to write the poem we wrote in the style we chose. Discussion was vibrant and lasted a couple of hours. You could also ask members to bring an object that symbolizes something in the book they want to talk about. Then let each person present her object with the topic to discuss.
  2. Create a visual focus—set up a display pad  and ask people to shout out traits they liked or disliked about the main character while you write down the list. Use your list to discuss how those traits affected the action in the book. Another idea is to list two columns: one of things people in your group have in common with the main character, the other of things that are different.
  3. Borrow a page from the theater crowd and start with a warm-up exercise. A common one that’s sure to get everyone laughing and lead into discussion is the game of telephone. Choose a sentence from the book that starts a passage you’d like to discuss. Whisper it into the ear of the person sitting next to you, and have her whisper it to the person next to her and on around your circle. Have the last person repeat to the group what she heard.
  4. Ask out of the ordinary questions that will get your members thinking differently. For instance, you could ask, “What kind of books do you think the main character likes to read?” “What do you think happens after the book ends?” “What will you remember about this book a year from now?
  5. Toss a beanbag to encourage participation. You can start off by holding the beanbag and asking a question you’d like everyone to answer. When you’re done, toss the bean bag to someone else in the group and ask her to pose the next question. Continue around until everyone has a chance to lead a discussion point.

These ideas may just get your own creative juices swirling enough for you to come up with lots more rut-busting ideas of your own. Just remember your goal: to create engaging lively discussions that leave your members looking forward to your next book group meeting.



Interview with Kim Culbertson, Author of Instructions for a Broken Heart

Kim Culbertson photoYesterday I reviewed Instructions for a Broken Heart, a young adult novel by Kim Culbertson. Today, Kim answers a few questions for readers at Mother Daughter Book Club. com.

How did you decide to become a writer?

KC: I feel like writing is something that chose me.  I have always felt like it was as much a part of me as being a reader or an athlete—it’s just something that makes up the fabric of me.  Being a writer is a mindset—it’s a point of view.  I talk about Point of View in my monthly newsletter a lot.  It’s the way we see the world and it’s wholly unique to each person.  I tell my students all the time—you’re a writer if you feel that you’re a writer.  Being published doesn’t make you a writer.  But, of course, becoming a writer who gets paid for writing is a whole other thing.  I decided to head down that path about ten years ago when Cicada published my first short story.  I remember getting a check for that story and thinking, “Hmmmm, that’s really cool.”

In both of your books, Songs for a Teenage Nomad and Instructions for a Broken Heart, you write about teens who are dealing with difficult issues. Do you think the teenage years in general are a challenging time of life? If yes, how so?

KC: Oh, for sure they are. They are this amazing, huge time—a time where they are climbing out of that childhood nest and peeking out onto the adult landscape. I’ve taught high school for 14 years and I think teenagers are the most remarkable of creatures. They are so passionate and idealistic and have dreams but they also still love the warm, small space of being a child. I think it’s the bumping together of those two worlds that creates all the tension.

Songs are also woven throughout your writing. Do you think music has a role in helping people cope or figure things out?

KC: I think songwriters are our culture’s high profile poets (especially good songwriters). I think teens especially really cling to their music because it provides some analysis and insight into that adult landscape I was discussing before. They can listen to a song and say, “oh, other people feel broken-hearted or afraid or angry or happy—me too” and it gives them a connection to a more universal experience. I think reading does this too but it’s not quite as immediate as a song.

I understand you teach high school. What do you like about teaching teens?

KC: As I mentioned, I find teenagers just a wonderful source of energy and light. I love my students—they can passionately discuss a novel in class and then get really worked up that someone sat in their seat. They’re on this cusp and I love getting to hang out on that cusp with them.

What are the challenges?

KC: I want so much for them to love literature and see all the things in it that I see which is totally unfair because I’m 36 years old—I’ve already gone through so many things that help me navigate a novel in a different way than they do. I have to always remind myself to hold back and let them experience it in the way that makes sense at 17, and it reminds me of that profound feeling of understanding something for the first time in a really individual way. I prefer to be the kind of teacher who acts as a “guide on the side” not a “sage on the stage” but it’s hard not to jump in and “tell” them everything I want them to know. I find, though, that this is the most amazing thing because when they have the space to tell me what they’re seeing in a book—I get to learn that book in this whole new, interesting way.

Have you ever led a group of students on a major trip like the one in Instructions for a Broken Heart?

KC: Another teacher and I took 16 students to Italy when I was a second year high school teacher. It was a thoroughly incredible trip. I watched so much eye-opening going on during that trip (including my own) about what it meant to be a traveler in this world, what it meant to see and smell a place for the first time.  It was an amazing trip.

Instructions is part travelogue as well, with Italy starring in a supporting role. Have you been to the places you described in your book?


KC: I pretty much used the exact footprint from the trip I took with my students. I changed pretty much everything else, but the footprint stayed the same.

What do you think people can learn when they travel to places outside the norm for them?

KC: I think traveling to a new place takes a person outside of her comfort zone and this just creates more space for self-reflection. For me. That’s just the way I’ve experienced it. That might not be true for other people  I find if I am really chewing on a huge decision I need to go somewhere a bit out of my normal loop and somehow that new geography lets me rethink things.

Jessa and all the kids from her school on the trip are in the drama club. Do you think actors are more likely to be more emotional?

KC: I don’t think they’re more emotional, per se—I think they might tend to be a little more willing to lay it all out there for people  In my high school teaching experience, I’ve found that all kids have that emotional piece—some just don’t like showing it off. Many of my high school actors have been more comfortable putting it out there for people to see. However, it’s not across the board. I’ve had plenty of student actors who save their drama for their characters and really don’t put their personal life on display. I think it’s really about personality.

Is there anything else you’d like to say to readers at Mother Daughter Book Club . com?

KC: I want to just thank you, Cindy, for all you do for readers and authors—you’re the best!!

Book Review: Instructions for a Broken Heart by Kim Culbertson

Instructions for a Broken Heart cover imageJust before she’s set to leave for Italy with her high school drama club, Jessa catches her boyfriend, Sean, making out with another girl. Going on the trip is harder than she thought it would be, especially because Sean and his new girlfriend are also part of the drama club.

So she sets out to get over Sean with the help of her best friend, Carissa, who has sent along instructions for Jessa to do one thing each day of her trip that takes her out of her comfort zone and onto the path of getting over Sean.

Instructions for a Broken Heart by Kim Culbertson takes Jessa on a journey of discovery about herself and the people around her. And while I think I could recover from a broken heart quite nicely while traveling around Italy, Culbertson paints a picture of how it could be a challenge too. Everywhere Jessa looks she sees people who appear to be in love. And everywhere she goes she would love to share her observations about the people and the countryside with someone she cares about.

As Jessa takes on each instruction, she discovers that relationships can’t necessarily be taken at face value, and people are more complicated that the veneers they display to the world. As she recognizes what was good and what was bad in her just-ended relationship, Jessa also learns how she wants to go forward. Culbertson does an excellent job of capturing the sense of insecurity that comes from rejection and the volatility and stress that many teens experience.

There are lots of issues for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 14 and up to discuss in Instructions for a Broken Heart. How do you maintain your sense of self when you date someone? How do you keep self-confidence when a relationship ends? How do you determine if your activities support your passions or other people’s expectations of you? Did I mention you’ll want to travel to Italy as a group too? Culbertson’s descriptions of the places Jessa’s group visits will definitely have you longing to pack your bags. At the very least, you’ll be inspired to go out for gelato while you talk about this book.

Check back tomorrow when author Kim Culbertson answers questions about her writing life and her book. You may also want to check out the book trailer; access it from the author’s website:

Publisher Sourcebooks provided me with a copy of this book to review.

Book Review: The Time-Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky

The Time-Traveling Fashionista cover imageLouise Lambert loves vintage clothing. Even though her mother and her best friend think she’s crazy not to want something new, she loves the feeling of mystery that she gets from the unknown stories she senses in each piece.

When an invitation arrives at her home for the Traveling Fashionista Vintage Sale, Louise is sure that will be a great place to look for something to wear to the seventh grade dance. But when she tries on a beautiful pink dress that smells vaguely of the sea, she’s surprised to find herself experiencing life in the body of the original owner aboard a luxury cruise liner in 1912.

At first Louise is happy to leave her unglamorous life behind for the luxury she experiences on board, but when she finds herself longing for her old life, she’s not sure how to get home.

The Time-Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky is the first in a new series about Louise and the adventures she finds through her love of fashion. Louise experiences lots of the normal angst 12-year-old girls go through—she’s embarrassed about smiling in her braces, she wishes her breasts would grow, and she’d love to feel more confident in herself.

Even if you’re not interested in vintage clothing, you’ll be drawn in by Louise’s appreciation for the styles and quality of the clothes she seeks. And her historical adventure in the early 1900s is fun to follow, especially as the reader can figure out where Louise is, but she doesn’t know right away.

Fashion illustrator Sandra Suy beautifully renders pictures throughout the book of Louise and the dresses she wears. Mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 11 and up can talk about how the clothes you wear can make a difference in how you feel about yourself. They can also discuss their own relation to fashions and what they hope their clothes convey about them, as well as the division of social classes in the early 1900s. I recommend it.

You can also check out the book’s website for lots of great information and activities.

Publisher Poppy provided me with a copy of this book for review.

Book Review: Marshfield Dreams by Ralph Fletcher

Marshfield Dreams imageChildren’s author Ralph Fletcher seemed to live an ideal life for a child. The oldest of a large clan in the small town of Marshfield, Massachusetts, Fletcher had nearby woods to roam in, numerous bothers and neighbors to recruit for games, and parents who loved him. Fletcher recounts stories from his young days in Marshfield Dreams: When I Was a Kid.

Like Fletcher’s other books, this memoir is written for young readers aged 9 to 12. But moms and dads (and younger kids too) will be equally charmed and drawn in by accounts of mud puppies, raising chickens, new babies arriving almost every year, and bouts of chicken pox and mumps. As I read I found myself wanting to visit Fletcher’s home on Acorn St. myself and explore all the areas he talked about. Reading Marshfield Dreams with your child could bring up stories to share from your own childhood. Kids of today are likely to marvel at the relative freedom children had growing up in the ‘60s and the amount of time many of them spent outdoors.

The chapters are short and accessible. It’s also fun to look at the family photos that appear at the start of each chapter. Fletcher’s family moved away from Marshfield to Chicago when he was 13. This tribute to his boyhood home shows how much his life on Acorn St. continues to live on in his memory.

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