About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Interview with Christine Brodien-Jones, Author of The Glass Puzzle

Tweet Yesterday, I reviewed The Glass Puzzle (comment for a chance to win a copy) by Christine Brodien-Jones, and today I’m delighted to have her stop by and answer a few questions. Brodien-Jones has written two other middle-grade fantasy adventure … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: The Glass Puzzle by Christine Brodien-Jones

Tweet Today and tomorrow I’m taking part in a blog tour for author Christine Brodien-Jones and her new book The Glass Puzzle. I thought it was fun to read, a great adventure for summer or anytime. Below you’ll find my … Continue reading

Book Review: Imperfect Spiral by Debbie Levy

Tweet When a tragic accident takes the life of the 5-year-old she is babysitting, Danielle is pulled into issues beyond her control. Everyone seems to want the accident to be about something else—poor lighting on the road, lack of a … Continue reading

Book Review: Genius by Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen

Tweet At an early age Ted was identified as a genius, which got him moved ahead at school and an early job at a think tank where lots of super-smart people like him were working. But while he’s always been … Continue reading

Book Review: Falcon in the Glass by Susan Fletcher

Tweet Renzo dreams of becoming the greatest glassblower on Murano, the island near Venice where many beautiful glass pieces are created each day. But since his father’s death he has been forced to prove himself early in the hopes that … Continue reading

Book Review: Templar written by Jordan Mechner, illustrated by LeUyen Pham and Alex Puvilland

Tweet When Jordan Mechner set out to write about the Knights Templar and their lost treasure, he was more interested in the actual history of what happened to the knights than in the current existence of their purported riches. The … Continue reading

Book Review: The Watcher in the Shadows by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Tweet When Irene’s mother is offered a job in a remote Normandy village it seems like the answer to their prayers. Life has been difficult after her father’s brief illness and death at an early age. Irene and her family … Continue reading

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