Tweet Blues legend Muddy Waters grew up in the Mississippi Delta, playing music on whatever he found at hand: an old accordion, a piece of wire, a beat-up can. His grandma tried to steer him away from music, saying, “you … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet The story of Earth is a story of geology — continents shifting, volcanoes erupting, plates shifting, rocks forming, and more. That story comes alive for young readers in Older Than Dirt: A Wild But True History of Earth by … Continue reading
Tweet L ots of kids love stories based on true events, especially when those events happened to kids like them. That’s the appeal of the Survivor Diaries series by Terry Lynn Johnson. I read Overboard! for review. It’s the story … Continue reading
Tweet Code 7 by Bryan R. Johnson tells the experiences of seven students at Flint Hill Elementary School as they learn about friendship, responsibility, integrity and how to make a difference in the lives of others. Seven chapters tell seven … Continue reading
Tweet Yesterday I posted my review of Things That Surprise You, a story about growing up, growing apart from old friends and making new connections. Today I’m featuring an interview with the author, who is a classroom teacher who also … Continue reading
Tweet Emily Murphy’s best friend Hazel is excited about starting middle school and changing her old self into something new. But Emily already likes herself: she’s a girl who loves the Unicorn Chronicles series, her dog Bean, and all things … Continue reading
Tweet Kat Greene is worried about a lot of things. She’s not sure why her mom cleans until her hands are raw. She frets that if she tells anyone about what’s going on with her mom, she’ll have to live … Continue reading
Tweet Gigi Priebe is the mother of three, the founder of Stepping Stones, an award-winning children’s museum in Norwalk, Connecticut, and the author of The Adventures of Henry Whiskers, the first in her middle grade series. When she is not … Continue reading