Tweet Thirteen-year-old Bina can’t wait for school to be over and summer to start. But when she finds out her next-door-neighbor and best friend Austin is spending a month at soccer camp, she realizes she won’t be having her usual … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet What Do They Do With All That Poo? by Jane Kurtz taps into the fascination most kids have with the concept that everything poops. On a tour of zoo animals Kurtz sneaks in education about what animals eat and … Continue reading
Tweet When Will needs time to think he walks. And he has a lot to think about: his dad’s suicide, his best friend’s rape at a party after he left early, his boss at the Dollar Only store where he … Continue reading
Tweet In a future world where a new Ice Age has sent humans onto spaceships orbiting Earth, Stella Ainsley is an orphan looking for a better life. Part-time teacher, part-time engineer, she finds employment as a governess to one child … Continue reading
Tweet The involvement of U.S. military in Vietnam is a complicated story that took place during a complicated time. American presidents, their advisors, and the military escalated involvement even after they believed they could not win, for reasons related more … Continue reading
Tweet With space travel becoming more common and private companies promising to one day send tourists into orbit, it’s easy to assume that travel to the moon and beyond was a goal much supported by Americans. But the drive to … Continue reading
Tweet In 1917 two girls in Cottingley, England convinced the world that fairies lived at the creek on their property. They even took photos to prove they were telling the truth. Experts examined the photos and declared them to be … Continue reading
Tweet Swimming is the one constant Alice can count on when her family starts to fall apart. When she concentrates on the rhythm of moving from one end of the pool to the other she doesn’t have to think about … Continue reading