About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review and Giveaway: Dan Unmasked by Chris Negron

Tweet Today I’m reviewing a book I loved that’s great for readers aged 9 to 14. It’s called Dan Unmasked, and I have one copy to give away to someone who comments here. Just leave a note telling me if … Continue reading

Book Review: Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime by Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen

Tweet Classic children’s tales like Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland and more are retold with a twist, in the graphic novel by Derek Fridoles and Dustin Nguyen, Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime. Each familiar story is adapted to the Batman … Continue reading

Book Review: Batman Overdrive by Shea Fontana

Tweet Before Bruce Wayne became Batman he was a teenaged guy who wanted to avenge the death of his parents. And he thinks he knows who’s responsible: the major crime family in Gotham. When he discovers that Alfred had a … Continue reading

Book Review: AntiHero by Kate Karyus Quinn & Demitra Lunetta

Tweet Piper is super powerful, but she doesn’t always know how to direct her strength without destroying everything around her. Sloane has a super brain, but when her mom falls ill she resorts to stealing and doing dirty work for … Continue reading

Interview With Dr. Rachel Kowert, Author of Pragmatic princess: 26 Superb Stories of Self Suffiency

Tweet Inspired by her own frustration as a mother of two seeking reading content featuring female leads who weren’t superheroes or male-companion dependent, Dr. Rachel Kowert wrote a children’s book that presents tales of empowerment and self-reliance. Pragmatic Princess: 26 … Continue reading

Book Review: Misadventures of a Magician’s Son by Laurie Smollett Kutscera

Tweet Twelve-year-old Alex is grieving for his father and finding it hard to fit in to the town of Orchard, Maine, where his mom moved the two of them after his dad’s accident. The one piece of furniture that feels … Continue reading

Book Review: We Could Be Heroes by Margaret Finnegan

Tweet Hank knows that different is not less. It’s one of the things his parents taught him to help him get through moments when it’s clear that he’s different than his classmates. Like when he set fire to a book … Continue reading

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