Author Clare Havens Reflects on Mother-Son Book Clubs

In addition to being in a mother-daughter book club, Clare Havens is also contemplating starting a mother-son group with her 7-year-old son. Here she talks about her reasons for wanting to get this club off the ground and the challenges she expects to face doing so.

Havens A Bella Street Mystery cover imageis also the author of A Bella Street Mystery: Secret Formula, a “tween noir” novel that she describes as “a fun, suspenseful romp through Manhattan, tying in the worlds of haute couture and 1930s gangsters—think Humphrey Bogart meets Anna Wintour.”

Read on for her perspective on mother-son book clubs.

Starting a mother-son book club? Am I nuts?!

By Clare Havens

Clare Havens photo

Clare Havens

Call me crazy but I am seriously thinking about starting up a mother-son book club! Yes, we all hear so much about how boys don’t like to read and the image we have of a parent-child book club is one of mothers and daughters immaculately dressed sipping tea from china cups and saucers while they discuss Jane Austen doesn’t jibe with what we imagine when we think about boys. Gross out jokes. Cartoons. Snot. However, I have been reading recently about some brave souls who not only have started mother/parent-son book clubs but who positively LOVE them!

It seems to me that the key identifying factor of a son book club is the noise and energy level. Boys like to be active, we all know, and they often learn better while they are moving around. It makes sense to me to offer boys activities, related to the book at hand preferably, to occupy them while someone is talking about a certain book. There could be handouts where boys can draw maps showing locations of secret portals or enemy headquarters. There could be mask making or building with Lego bricks or plaster model painting…

There should be food and drink. Boys should be allowed to relax and eat—this isn’t another lesson, it is supposed to be fun! I guess the food could even relate to the book and making it could also be the activity—multitasking boys! Love the idea!

Books needn’t be the only things discussed. Why not comics? Graphic novels? Ebooks—these are much cheaper than paperbacks and many boys can download them onto a computer without buying a specific ereader. Movies could also be discussed, notably how they differ from the book. Boys could also be asked to cast movies for books which have no film version.

Give out the new book at the end of the meeting. No excuses that they couldn’t find the book before the next meeting!

One idea I really like which I read about on is to give each person a piece of paper/fabric/bark or whatever on which they have to write the beginning of a story before the next meeting. At the next meeting they swap their piece with someone else and have to continue the story on the other side.

Some clubs have trivia quizzes about the book just read with prizes such as water balloons given for correct answers. At the end of the meeting the boys can go have a water balloon fight outside! The boys can set the quiz questions.

Why not start a simple free blog where club members can post photos, reviews, comments, questions, etc. in between meetings? This might appeal to the techno-savvy set. Tying in technology would appeal to many boys, in my opinion.

These are all ideas that would work well for mother-daughter clubs too but would work really well for many boys. Let’s not leave them out of the fun! I think boys enjoy reading more than they are often given credit for—they may often like reading in a different format to girls but they are often just as passionate about a book or a character. I think I may actually start a mother-son book club, I just have to go figure out how many boys throwing water balloons I can fit in my backyard!


Book Review: Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon cover imageMinli loves to listen to the stories her father tells her about the Old Man of the Moon and kingdoms far away. She works tirelessly next to her parents in the dirty fields near her small Chinese village, and the tales cheer her up. Minli’s mother believes that stories are a waste of time, that they only put fanciful ideas into Minli’s head, when she should be concentrating on bringing more food to the table. While Minli dreams of one day bringing prosperity to her village, Ma believes it can’t be done.

When Minli meets a magical fish who tells her how to find the Old Man of the Moon, she sets off on a journey to ask the wise man how her village can change its fortunes. Along the way she meets with many adventures, and she discovers that her father’s stories may not have been fanciful tales after all.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin is a story of belief, hope, and the desire to take action to change your life for the better. It’s also about friendship, love and wisdom. Lin weaves Minli’s story in with the old tales beautifully, and Minli’s journey unfolds gently as she travels farther from home. The accompanying illustrations enhance the story and bring it to life. I highly recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 9 to 14.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book to review.

Book Review: Soul Taker by Celia Rees

Here’s a guest review by author Christina Hamlett.

Soultaker cover imageTitle: Soul Taker
Author: Celia Rees
Genre: YA
Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books, 2003
Reviewer: Christina Hamlett

Although the outcome of Celia Rees’ YA thriller Soul Taker won’t be a surprise to fans of television’s “Twilight Zone” and “Outer Limits,” it’s a gripping page-turner that speaks to the dangers inherent in not thinking one’s wishes all the way through. Her protagonist, Lewis, is an overweight teen who may as well be invisible for as little attention and kindness is ever paid to him at home and at school. It’s only natural, then, when a toy store owner named Viktor Ladslow befriends the lad and alludes to untapped potential that Lewis feels as if things have suddenly taken a bright turn in his dismally dark life. The more fervent the wish, however, the steeper the cost…and the harder to extricate onself from the bargain.

While the story itself is justifiably creepy, Rees has expertly crafted subtle parallelism to the real-life jeopardy of disenfranchised teens and tweens who lack positive adult role models to guide them. Like Lewis, they unwittingly make themselves susceptible to the predatory advances of “friends” like Ladslow and—even when confronted with evidence of wrongdoing—are often too willing to compromise their own souls in a desperate need just to be accepted, loved and understood. There are some very good object lessons in this novel that will hopefully cause YA readers to more closely examine their values along with the consequences of inviting others to play puppet-master with their lives.

Interview with Susan Gregg Gilmore, Author of The Improper Life of Bezillia Grove

Susan Gregg Gilmore photo

Susan Gregg Gilmore

Recently I had the chance to review The Improper Life of Bezillia Grove, so I was thrilled when I was presented with the opportunity to interview the author. Read on to find out more about Susan Gregg Gilmore, her thoughts on issues book clubs can discuss when they read about Bezillia, and her next project.

How did you decide to be a writer?

I was 8 years old. I had come home from school with this silly little paper I had written, and my precious mama thought it was wonderful. I remember to this day right where we were sitting when she looked at me and said, “You ought to be a writer.” I wasn’t really sure what that meant at the time, but I do remember thinking, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’ll be.”

Can you share with us a few of your all-time favorite books to read?

Thank you for not asking me to name MY ONE ALL-TIME favorite read because I find that near impossible to do. Little House in the Big Woods, The Secret Garden, To Kill A Mockingbird, Grapes of Wrath, A Woman of Independent Means, All Over but the Shoutin‘, Fair and Tender Ladies, Ellen Foster. OK, I’ll stop now. But there are more!

What do you like most about being a writer?

I love losing myself in these imaginary worlds in my head. I’m never lonely. I’m never bored. And then when it’s time and the book is released into the real world, I love meeting the people who love books as much as I do.

What do you like least?

Hmm. Well, if I’m going to be totally honest. I’d have to say I don’t really care for the mean comments posted by anonymous readers. I try not to look at those kinds of things because no one book is going to appeal to everyone. But sometimes I am shocked by the anger in people’s tones.

Tell us three interesting/quirky things readers may be interested to know about you.

I have three daughters 17, 19 and 24. And they still don’t like to read anything I write about sex—even if two characters only kiss. They’d just prefer not think of their mother knowing too much about those things.

I was never an A English student, and I’ve always been a very slow reader.

I played in the first all-girls soccer league in Nashville. We wore our field hockey skirts because we had no idea what a soccer uniform even looked like! But I went on to win Most Valuable Player in the league.

Bezillia grows up in a home and a place that has very specific expectations of her. What gives her the courage to defy those expectations?

I have to wonder if much of Bezellia’s courage is in her DNA. Sometimes there seems no other explanation. I also think some of her courage comes from her birth order, being the oldest, caring for her younger sister. I think she felt no choice but to dig down deep and defend Adelaide. Of course, I also think Maizelle and Nathaniel were there to support and encourage her in their own ways. In those final dark hours before the Civil Rights Movement really took hold, both Nathaniel and Maizelle had lived each day with a boldness of spirit that must have influenced Bezillia.

So much of the south experienced conflict and unrest during the Civil Rights movement. Why did you choose to set Bezillia’s story in Nashville?

I was raised in Nashville. And although Bezellia’s story is not my own, it is based on my memories and my perceptions of my home at the time.

When I moved back to Nashville after 30 years, I looked at house to buy that I had played in as a child. I could not afford this home but wanted to relive some childhood memories so when it was open, I seized the opportunity. When I stepped into the basement, I found six rooms, with cinder-block walls, no windows, thick doors with double locks. I knew in that moment that this was where the family’s staff had lived. That finding haunted me. I quickly realized that while I was happily playing upstairs, a very different world literally existed beneath my feet.

Seeing this space with fresh eyes and years of life experience, I knew I had to come to terms with the South I had known, that I had seen, as a child. And the way that I do that is to tell a story.

Bezillia’s parents struggle with alcoholism and mental illness in a time when not much was known about treating people with either. While things have certainly changed, do you feel there’s still a stigma that affect how people perceive someone who suffers from one of these illnesses?

I do think the perception has changed and the perceptions have improved, but I think there is still a stigma attached to those who suffer from mental illness and addiction. Most definitely.

What are some of the issues raised in the book that you feel book clubs can discuss?

Race. Racism. Interracial relationships. Social and economic inequalities. And how all of these topics may differ in different regions of our country. Mother-daughter relationships. Sibling relationships. Forgiveness. Acceptance. And at the very end of the day, how a name can affect a person’s outlook or purpose.

Can you tell us about what you’re working on next?

My third book is titled, THE FUNERAL DRESS. It is set in Tennessee’s beautiful Sequatchie Valley, at the very tip of the Appalachian Mountains. It is about two women who worked side by side at a shirt factory in the late 1950s. Both were collar makers. All day, every day, they made collars for shirts and housedresses. Both were poor and led tough lives. The older seamstress and her husband are killed in the very first chapter, and the younger seamstress chooses to make the dress her friend will be buried in. This really is the story of both women tough and how they come to terms with their hardscrabble lives.

Is there anything else you’d like to add for readers at Mother Daughter Book Club. com?

I have visited with a lot of book clubs but only once I have been fortunate to spend time with a Mother-Daughter Book Club. It really was a special afternoon watching mothers and daughters talk, agree and disagree, about a story read. I left wishing that I had done the same with my girls—so much can be discovered about one another when we journey through the pages of a book together.


Book Review: The Magician King by Lev Grossman

The Magician King cover imageKing Quentin is bored with his life in Fillory. He’s itching for something, but he’s not sure what. When the chance comes for him to sail off to a little-heard-of island to remind its inhabitants to pay their taxes, it seems to be exactly the kind of adventure that may start him down the road to something else.

That road does indeed lead to something different and totally unexpected for Quentin and Queen Julia, who is on the trip with him. As they journey through this world and magical ones, they test their skills and their resources and question just what it is they’re looking for in the first place.

Fans of The Magicians will enjoy The Magician King, a sequel that sends Quentin off on a quest and fills in Julia’s back story. It’s not crucial for readers to have finished the first book to understand what’s going on, but I believe The Magician King can be enjoyed more as a continuing story than the beginning of one.

While this is not a page-turner, as the action unfolds at a reasonable pace, references to other popular literature filled with magic and strange creatures (like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings) make this series especially fun for teens. Note that foul language and sexual references can be found throughout the book. You may also be interested in watching this music video Parry Gripp created for The Magician King.

If you’d like to win a copy of The Magician King, just leave a comment here by midnight (PDT), Wednesday, September 7. Entries are limited to addresses in the U.S. or Canada. Please note: the giveaway is closed. Congratulations to Lauren on winning.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book for review.


Book Review: The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch

The Magnolia League cover imageAlexandria Lee has had a rather unconventional upbringing. Raised on a commune in northern California by her mother, she has learned to work hard, live simply, and use herbs to cure her ailments. But when her mother dies in an automobile accident, Alex leaves her refuge to live with her grandmother in Savannah, Georgia.

As head of the Magnolia League, Mrs. Lee is a powerful figure in her southern town, and she wants Alex to learn proper manners and take her place as a member of the league. She’s even appointed to other debutantes to coach Alex along. But Alex notices that something isn’t quite right about her new friends. They’re too pretty, very wealthy and seem to hold an unusual power over everyone who knows them.

Soon Alex finds herself rejecting the simple life she lived before in favor of the glamour of being in the Magnolia League. But there’s a dark secret behind the league’s power, and once Alex discovers it, she’s not sure whether she should fulfill her grandmother’s wishes or reject everything she’s come to know since her mother’s death.

The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch paints a picture of a steamy Southern town draped in mystery the way its oak trees are draped in Spanish moss. The secrets go back to the days of slavery and involve Hoodoo rituals and old alliances between diverse groups. While I felt the ending was a bit rushed and changes in Alex didn’t always fit her character, I also believe The Magnolia League is a promising start to a new series that should be fun to follow.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book for review.


Book Review: Sorta Like a Rock Star by Matthew Quick

Sorta Like a Rock Star cover imageDespite the fact that she is homeless and her mother seems to be shrinking into herself daily, Amber Appleton is an eternal optimist. She loves her dog, Bobby Big Boy, and the group of misfits she leads at school, dubbed Franks Freak Force Federation. Other than the four other members of the group, she has a wide social circle. She teaches English to a group of Korean women at a local church, visits the local nursing home weekly to cheer up the residents, and spends time writing haiku for a local veteran of the Vietnam war.

There is bleakness and inhumanity all around her, but Amber sees it all with a tint of rosiness, sure that she can rise above her situation to be like her role model, Donna, who is a lawyer. But when tragedy strikes, Amber finds herself questioning everything she believes and wondering if her view on life is all wrong. When disaster threatens again, she has to decide what’s really important to her.

Sorta Like a Rock Star by Matthew Quick is funny and sad and hopeful and uplifting and so much more. Amber shows that you don’t necessarily have to be defined by your circumstances, and that individuals can make a difference—for good or bad—in others’ lives. Mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 15 and up will be able to talk about several important issues, such as homelessness, alcohol addiction, the effects of autism, building community, and more. And Amber may just inspire you along the way to put your own efforts behind a cause or person who needs it. I highly recommend it.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book for review.

A Little Mother-Daughter “Unadvice” from Author Stephanie Stiles

Stephanie Stiles is author of the new book Take It Like a Mom, of which Publishers Weekly says “Stiles captures the petty and hilarious dramas that overlay stressed-out suburban lives in her debut, an ode to stay-at-home momdom.” Today I’m featuring a bit of mother-daughter “unadvice” that Stiles has to offer.

Here’s the publisher’s description of Take It Like a Mom:

Take It Like a Mom cover imageAnnie Fingardt Forster used to be a lawyer who wore dry-clean only and shaved both legs. But things have changed. Now a stay-at-home mom, she wears cargo pants and ponytails and harbors a nearly pathological hatred towards hipster parents.

With a three-year-old and a baby on the way, Annie knows what to expect…at least, she thought she did. Faced with her husband’s job loss, pre-school politics, and a playground throwdown with her arch nemesis, Annie realizes that even with her husband and friends by her side, what she really needs is to learn to suck it up-and take it like a mom.

Here’s Stiles’s thoughts on what not to do if you want to have a good relationship with your daughter or your mother:


Stephanie Stiles photo

Stephanie Stiles

Is there a relationship more notorious for all of its innate conflicts than that of mothers and daughters? Oh, I mean besides the Jersey housewives. But, other than that, can you think of a relationship more fraught with lore and controversy than the infamous mother-daughter bond? I’ve seen whole marriages crumble under the strain of what moms and daughters confront in a single month of (my) adolescence. So, maybe that’s why everyone and her mother feels entitled to weigh in with advice about how best to navigate these murky, estrogen-laden waters. When it comes to moms and daughters, it would seem that everyone is an expert, eager to share  words of “wisdom” on this often incendiary, always inscrutable relationship. And, because I now have a daughter of my very own, I’m on the receiving end of both sides of the equation. So, what follows here is a selection of the choicest suggestions that people have offered me throughout my years as daughter and mother; I like to consider it “unadvice” of sorts, and invite you to determine its merit:

  • Don’t be critical of each other’s choices! I once dated a guy who wore black plastic parachute pants. That’s not the sad part. I borrowed them. That is. You know what? I could have used a little criticism. And not just about the pants, either. Because, really, what kind of guy wears black plastic parachutes and then doesn’t mention to you that you look like a Hefty bag in Mia flats when you borrow them? The kind of guy I’d criticize my daughter for dating, that’s who.
  • Spend quality time together, doing things you enjoy, rather than fighting! Hah! Good one! Great joke! Oh. Wait. You were serious? Because I thought the fighting was our quality time. Was I wrong here? Do other mothers and daughters enjoy doing something other than this? I suppose there was that one time a while back when we decided to go to a movie, but we spent the whole ride to the theater arguing over the brand of sneakers Dad used to wear to play tennis (I was right: it was K-Swiss), then missed the show because we had to turn back to check his closet. Ahhh, the memories.
  • Focus on your similarities, not your differences! Hmm. Similarities, huh? Well, we both wear sleeves in winter. And I’m pretty sure we both owned a lamp at one point or another. That’s a good start, right? Now, if anyone has any ideas about how to spin these into an entertaining conversation around the holiday dinner table, I can be reached at
  • Just give it some time; it’s just a phase! How long can “a phase” last before it becomes “a personality”? I thought “a phase” had to be brief, or if not brief, then at least something short of permanent. Is this not correct? Because it’s uncanny how long the phase of my mother not jumping at my every whim and demand has endured. I’m starting to think she might not outgrow this phase.
  • Learn to respect each other! Well, jeesh; why didn’t I think of that? Gosh, I could kick myself! Of course: just respect each other. And I could’ve had a V8, too.
  • What she really needs right now is more space! More? Space? Isn’t space infinite? I’m no Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein, but even I’m smart enough to know that sometimes, even astrophsyics just doesn’t have all the answers.

I may never sort out the how-tos and the how-definitely-not-tos of being a daughter or a mother; but at least, it would seem that no one else has either. Because it would feel just awful to think that all these voices of self-proclaimed authority had truly found the answer, while I was still using crib notes and copying off a brown-noser from the back row. After all, there’s a certain  comfort in knowing that my relationship with mom (and, I’m sure I’ll discover soon, with my daughter, as well) is as perfectly flawed as everyone else’s. Even if it is all her fault—for not taking my advice.


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