Book Review: The Turnip Princess by Franz Xaver Von Schönwerth

Tweet The Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault—all were well known collectors of fairy tales, those magical, lesson-infused stories spread centuries ago in the oral tradition. A lesser known collector, Franz Xaver Von Schönwerth, was also at work recording … Continue reading

Book Review: Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller

Tweet Eight-year-old Peggy’s father is obsessed with being able to survive in a disaster. She has to practice packing a rucksack and being ready to flee in minutes in case the need arises. Peggy’s mother is a renowned pianist from … Continue reading

Book Review: Teenagers 101 by Rebecca Deurlein, Ed.D.

Tweet As a teacher for many years at both public and private schools, Rebecca Deurlein has seen her share of teenagers. And while some people may wonder at how she could spend years in a classroom dealing with teen behavior, … Continue reading

Book Review: Parenting With a Story by Paul Smith

Tweet Often the best way to help our kids learn something we think they should know is to tell a story that helps them see how others faced life situations. The trouble is, we often can’t think of relevant stories … Continue reading

Book Review: The God of Sno Cone Blue by Marcia Coffey Turnquist

Tweet When Grace thinks back on her childhood, she sees it split into two: the time before her mother got sick and died, and the time after, when the letters her mother wrote to her started to arrive. Before, even … Continue reading

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