Book Review: The Pages In Between by Erin Einhorn


In The Pages In Between, Erin Einhorn has written a memoir about what she finds when she searches for the Polish family that sheltered her Jewish mother during World War II.

When she was growing up in Detroit, Einhorn didn’t know much about her mother’s past until she wrote a paper on the topic when she was in high school. Her mother, Irena, offered only the basics: Born in the early 1940s, Irena’s mother died during the war, while her father, Beresh, survived. Before he was taken away to a concentration camp, Beresh offered a local woman money and his home to live in if she would keep Irena safe. After the war, Beresh returns and makes his way with his daughter and new wife first to Sweden then to the U.S., where he made a new life.

When Erin, Irena’s daughter, became a journalist, her reporter’s mind refused to let go of her mother’s story, and she wanted to learn more. Taking a sabbatical from her job, she moved to Poland to see if she could find her mother’s rescuers. In the story of her quest, Einhorn mixes historical fact with current cultural observations with details of her journey to create a fascinating account that is very personal, yet universal in many ways as well.

The story will touch a chord with anyone who has ever wondered about the people who came before them: where did they live, what motivated them, how were their lives different from ours? There’s genealogical research and observations about Jews in Poland. Einhorn takes a look at historical attitudes of Poles to Jews and how lingering feelings of distrust resulting from the Holocaust continue to this day. But she also looks at how this generation of young Poles is different from the one that came before, and she candidly assesses the differences.

I think The Pages in Between is not just the story of one woman’s search for her mother’s history. It taps into the yearning that many of us feel about understanding our mothers and ourselves by  looking at the events that helped shape us into who we are. I recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with daughters in 10th grade and older.

Book Review: Piper Reed, The Great Gypsy by Kimberly Willis Holt


Every now and then I get to take a break from some of my heavier reading and get a reminder of how much fun it can be to read something geared to early readers. Piper Reed, The Great Gypsy by Kimberly Willis Holt is one of those books.

I’ve been of fan of Holt’s since reading My Louisiana Sky several years ago. Being from Louisiana originally, I was particularly taken with a book set there that didn’t involve negative clichés about the state or its people one often sees in works set in Louisiana. And I liked the story of a pre-teen girl who must choose between living a glamorous like with her sophisticated aunt or staying to live with her mentally challenged parents.

Piper Reed has appeal for younger readers in large part, because Holt has a very down-to-earth voice that imparts lessons to younger readers without being preachy. Readers get a glimpse of what life is like for the family of a military man when he is on assignment for long periods of time and they remain on the base. But they also get to know and love Piper, a middle sister who does her best to make friends wherever her family is stationed.

The book also makes use of its setting in Pensacola, Florida, to help readers learn something of the area. Piper and her family take short vacations to the beach and to New Orleans, with descriptions of each place that may help to spark interest in learning more about them. It all ties into a navy family’s exploration of a new area they move into and adapt to.

Younger readers in particular will be able to identify with Piper’s desire to win the prize at the pet show she puts on and the conflicts that arise with her sisters. Now, I’m inspired to go back and read the first book in this series, Piper Reed, Navy Brat.

Book Review: The Mother Daughter Cookbook by Lynette Rohrer Shirk


My daughters are ecstatic because school got called for another snow day here in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. They’ve been off all week, and now they have two more weeks off to look forward to. I, on the other hand, am going a little stir crazy. I haven’t been out of my neighborhood since Sunday, since we have one four-wheel drive car that will take us around and my husband is using it to go to work.

Today I think I’ll have to get out and walk. There’s a Starbucks Coffee about a 1/2 hour walk away, and a nice hot cocoa sounds like a good reward at the end of it. Maybe all three of us can venture out together.

Then I’d like to come back home and bake something from The Mother Daughter Cookbook. I recently got this book to review, and this will be the first recipe I try from it. I’ve got my mind set on making Gingerbread Cream Cheese Cupcakes. There’s a substitution for chocolate frosting listed with the recipe, and I may just have to frost half the cupcakes with that. Yum!

The Mother Daughter Cookbook looks like a great addition to any mom’s cookbook shelf. The author, Lynette Rohrer Shirk, has put together an interesting collection of recipes and broken them down into tasks for the mom and tasks for the daughter. In my case, my daughters are older and they can do any of the tasks, but I think they’ll like taking on the daughter’s side of the recipe anyway.

The recipes are also punctuated with quotes and cooking tidbits that make for interesting reading as well. There are a lot of recipes I’m looking forward to trying in this cookbook. And I think it would make a good gift for any mother and daughter team. You could also use this at a mother-daughter book club meeting, and have the girls work their part of the recipe while the moms collaborate with theirs. What fun!

I’ll keep you posted when we get to taste the cupcakes.

Book review: Hearts of Horses by Molly Gloss


I’ve loved every Molly Gloss book I’ve read, and Hearts of Horses proved no exception.  Here’s my review:

It’s 1917 in rural Oregon, and many of the local men are away in France fighting. Into this scene rides Martha Lessen, a girl of 19 who says she can break horses to saddle. With fewer men around to perform the same job, Martha finds success first by hiring on at the Bliss ranch, then by expanding out to other ranches in the county. Eventually setting up a circuit training, where she rides horses from one corral to the next rotating where a horse spends the night, Martha works hard to gain the respect of the horses and the people in the area.

The tale unfolds slowly, giving the reader time to get to know the characters the way Martha gets to know them as well as her horses, one incident at a time. And the story is firmly rooted in it’s time period. There’s anti-German sentiment directed against ranchers of German descent, even though they were born in this country. There’s sacrifice for the war effort, and there’s loss from the war too. The cast of characters are a mix of good and bad, which you would expect to find in just about any place you settle for a while. As Martha’s confidence in her abilities grow, so do her connections to people in the county.

As in her other books, The Jump Off Creek and Wild Life, Gloss brings the American west in its first decades of settlement to life. Her storytelling is rich in details, and she knows what motivates and moves her characters. Her female characters are strong, often bucking expectations for women of their time while remaining true to themselves. I recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls in 8th grade and up.

Book Review: Much Ado About Anne by Heather Vogel Frederick


Heather Vogel Frederick continues her delightful mother-daughter book club series with Much Ado About Anne. This time the book club is reading the Anne of Green Gables series, and the girls are totally committed to their book club and to each other when the new reading year starts for their group. There are new challenges—can the moms really have invited Calliope and Becca Chadwick into their book club without asking the girls?—and new events arise that test their friendship in ways they don’t expect. But Frederick does a great job of continuing the saga and bringing us even more into the lives of these book club members that readers grew to know and love in her first book in the series, The Mother-Daughter Book Club.

The historic town of Concord, Mass., where Frederick herself group up, is once again a prominent feature in the story. So is Lucy Maud Montgomery, who wrote the Anne of Green Gables books. Frederick weaves facts about the classical author into the story seamlessly and helps readers learn about another classic series in the process.

You’ll worry with Jess about losing her family’s historic farm, cheer for Emma as she grows more confident, worry for Cassie as she struggles to accept her mom’s new boyfriend, and stress right along with Megan as she crunches to design clothes for her fashion show. And they all experience a few blips in their friendship in ways that will ring true for girls in upper elementary and middle school.

Much Ado About Anne will most certainly satisfy readers of the series while leaving them happily anticipating the next book up.

Book Review: Love, Meg by C. Leigh Purtill


Meg believes she knows everything about her life. Her parents are dead and her older sister, Lucy, has cared for her ever since she was a baby. They travel from town to town in California, following Lucy’s jobs and boyfriends. Meg has learned to be self-sufficient since she was very young, because Lucy is overwhelmed providing for the two of them on her own.

For years she has turned to Jennifer Aniston—the actress from friends—for emotional support, writing her letters detailing the difficulties she faces in school and at home. Jen has always written back with great advice and sometimes even gifts to help Meg through rough situations. When Meg starts another new school to go with a new apartment that follows Lucy’s new boyfriend, she thinks her life will continue to follow this pattern for years to come.

Then a man shows up at the apartment Meg shares with Lucy claiming to be her uncle from New York. He talks about a family back east that she knows nothing about, and tries to convince Lucy to go there. Suddenly, everything Meg thinks she knows about her life changes, and when Lucy refuses to reconnect with her family, Meg sets off without her. Moving to New York becomes a journey of self-discovery as well as a way to get to know the family she never had.

What she finds is not what she expects, but she discovers a lot about herself and the true meaning of family along the way.

Love, Meg by C. Leigh Purtill looks at what it means to be a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, and all the ways that family can support us as well as tear us down. I recommend it for mother-daughter book clubs with girls 12 and older.

Book Review: Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls Edited by Deb Loughead and Jocelyn Shipley


Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls. Just the name is edgy and designed to get our attention, and the stories inside live up to the title. In the foreword, editors Deb Loughead and Jocelyn Shipley say that the word cleavage has many meanings. There’s the image of the valley between breasts of course, but cleavage also refers to the division of a fertilized ovum from a single cell into a mass of smaller cells. It’s what they call the mom factor that shows up in the book. Cleavage also has contradictory meanings. On one hand it means to break away from, on the other it means to hold tightly to.

You’ll find stories relating to all the meanings in this delightful book of short stories that’s easy to digest and gives a lot to think and talk about. If you can think of an issue for women, it’s probably covered, including attitudes about weight, breast implants, tattoos, body image, make-up, clothes and more. These pieces will open the door for moms and daughters to talk about hard-to-bring up subjects that benefit from open discussion.

A short bio of each author, including a note about what inspired her to write her story, is a nice touch that adds extra meaning to each piece. Mother-daughter book clubs with high-school-aged girls will find a lot to like when reading Cleavage.

Reasons to Read

Last night I attended a meeting of the Willamette Writers, where my friend and mentor Christina Katz was speaking about building a writing platform. Christina has written two excellent books for writers—Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids, and Get Known Before the Book Deal: Use Your Personal Strengths to Grow an Author Platform. During her talk, Christina read a list of all the reasons she could find that people may want to write. That got me to thinking about all the reasons people may want to read. Here’s what I came up with. It’s a puny list to be sure, so I look forward to reading comments from readers who tell me more.

Reasons to Read:

  • To learn something new
  • To remember something forgotten
  • To relax
  • To laugh
  • To be enlightened
  • To gain perspective
  • To be entertained
  • To get motivated
  • To get sleepy
  • To be stimulated
  • To learn how to do something
  • To pass the time
  • To avoid housework
  • To gain insight
  • To indulge yourself

What’s your reason?

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