Tweet Sure it’s easy (and delicious) to whip up some microwave popcorn in a few minutes. But you can actually have fun as a book club making popcorn the old-fashioned way. Plus, it’s easy to do. Here’s a simple recipe … Continue reading
Category Archives: Mother-Daughter Book Clubs
Tweet If you’re looking for something to show your book club pride, you may want to consider the new line of Mother Daughter Book Club products available at Cafe Items available to order include a drinking mug, a book … Continue reading
Tweet Not long ago a book-club mom wrote in with a question about an issue that came up in one of my book clubs and many others I have heard of. She said a difficulty she had encountered was “when … Continue reading
Tweet OyMG by Amy Fellner Dominy tells the story of Ellie, who hopes her skills at debate will help her win a scholarship to a prestigious private high school. The trouble is, she finds that her religion may count against … Continue reading
Tweet Thomas Friedman is more known for his observations on world affairs than family affairs, but in a recent opinion article for the New York Times, Friedman talks about how children show higher success rates in school when their parents … Continue reading
Tweet When my daughters were young, reading books together was one of our favorite things to do as a family. Most often, my husband, daughters and I would snuggle up together just before the girls went to sleep, and either … Continue reading
Tweet I recently read an article in Time magazine about Girl Up (, an organization that “aims to mobilize 100,000 American girls to raise money and awareness to fight poverty, sexual violence and child marriage. In the article, writer Nancy … Continue reading
Tweet I love puzzles almost as much as I love books. When I see crosswords, Sudoku grids and word search puzzles, my fingers start to itch and I scan the clues even if I don’t have a pencil in my … Continue reading