About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Interview with George Estreich, Author of The Shape of the Eye

Tweet With the birth of his daughter Laura, who has Down Syndrome, George Estreich and his wife entered an unfamiliar world that brought them into contact with medical specialists, behavioral and nutritional advisors, and situations they had not encountered with … Continue reading

Book Review: The Shape of the Eye by George Estreich

Tweet When George Estreich’s second daughter was born, the doctor commented on her almond-shaped eyes and wondered if she may have Down Syndrome. George and his wife didn’t think much of it because his mother is Japanese. But when tests … Continue reading

Book Review: In Disguise! by Ryan Ann Hunter

Tweet Throughout history women have played a crucial role in conflicts and wars as spies. Women experienced just as much danger as men, and sometimes they were able to flush out secrets even better than men could, because they were … Continue reading

Book Review: Jerusalem: A Family Portrait by Boaz Yakin and Nick Bertozzi

Tweet Jerusalem was often a time of chaos and conflict during the years the state of Israel was being established in the 1940s. Communists, Zionists, Jews, Arabs, and British soldiers were mixed into a boiling pot that pitted brothers against … Continue reading

Book Review: Cat’s Foot by Brian Doyle

Tweet As a soldier, Cat loses his foot when he steps on a land mine. Years later after he is married and has two sons he goes on a journey to find his lost foot. Along the way Cat meets … Continue reading

Book Review: Inside Outside by Lizi Boyd

Tweet Inside Outside by Lizi Boyd is a great picture book to show the multiple activities children can engage in both in the house and out in the yard. The house is for making art, caring for pets, reading books, … Continue reading

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