About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: Warren the 13th and the All-Seeing Eye by Tania del Rio and Will Staehle

Tweet Ever since Warren the 13th’s dad, Warren the 12th, died, things have gone downhill at his family’s hotel. Established years ago by the first Warren, it used to be known for its excellence. But in the five years since … Continue reading

Book Review: Secret Garden: Artist’s Edition by Johanna Basford

Tweet Johanna Basford’s Secret Garden: Artist’s Edition coloring book is so beautiful in black and white you may have trouble deciding where to add the first bit of color. Eventually, though, you probably won’t be able to resist making these … Continue reading

Book Review: Welcome to the Symphony by Carolyn Sloan

Tweet While you may not be able to bring your young children to the symphony, a new book by songwriter, musician Carolyn Sloan lets you bring the sights and sounds of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 to them. Welcome to the … Continue reading

Book Review: Wilf the Mighty Worrier Saves the World by Georgia Pritchett

Tweet Wilf is a worrier. He is afraid of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of his mouth and wigs and roller skates and elevators and twirly mustaches and many more things. But when evil lunatic Alan moves in … Continue reading

Book Review: The Icing on the Cake by Deborah A. Levine and JillEllyn Riley

Tweet The girls from The Saturday Cooking Club are back with The Icing on the Cake, a new story that has them whipping up sweets in the kitchen and thinking about romance in their lives. Liza would love to see … Continue reading

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