While you may not be able to bring your young children to the symphony, a new book by songwriter, musician Carolyn Sloan lets you bring the sights and sounds of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 to them.
Welcome to the Symphony finds three little mice hanging out in a concert hall when the music is about to begin. With the help of a musical board on the side of the book, readers can press buttons to go along with the story about how musicians tune their instruments, how violins, cellos and other instruments sound, and how to listen for the harmony in a piece.
The story also includes information about Beethoven, and his famous Symphony No. 5. The mice introduce children to the concept of musical notes, pitch, tempo and other musical terms. At the end of the book the author talks about how to raise a child to love classical music.
Illustrations by James Williamson portray how it feels to sit and watch a concert and what it looks like to see musicians playing specific instruments. Welcome to the Symphony should be lots of fun for parents to read to their children starting around age 4. Cues in the story tell when to push buttons to play specific sounds, which means kids can follow along with the narrative even when they can’t read the words.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.