Tweet Why do earthquakes occur? What contributes to the eruption of volcanoes? How do tectonic plates move against each other? The answers to these questions and others related to how our planet formed mountain ranges, ocean trenches, certain types of … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet When Rory Rooney’s skin turns green on a field trip he lands in the isolation ward of a hospital in London, where the doctor wants to test and observe him to see if he’s contagious. Rory is shocked to … Continue reading
Tweet Fans of adult coloring books will be interested in It’s All Connected by Karen Kay. Nearly 50 hand-drawn illustrations fill one-sided pages. With no colors to bleed from front to back, you can frame your favorite pages after you … Continue reading
Tweet “In a faraway land lived a lady in blue with a babe in her tummy named Wonderful You.” So starts Lauren McLaughlin’s adoption story picture book called Wonderful You. The story goes on to describe how the woman in … Continue reading
Tweet “When Priscilla turned six, her dad gave her a book called All About Gorillas. They read it a million skillion times!” So starts Priscilla Gorilla, a book about an inquisitive, lively young girl who learns a lesson or two … Continue reading
Tweet For years Piper Perish has had a plan to follow in the footsteps of her idol, Andy Warhol, and go to art school in New York City. She plans to escape her hometown of Houston with her two best … Continue reading
Tweet Yesterday I reviewed Rabbit Cake, Annie Hartnett’s first novel. Told through the eyes of an 11-year-old girl who’s family is learning to copy after her mother dies, Rabbit Cake has all the elements to make a great book-club book: … Continue reading
Tweet Elvis Babbitt has a head for science, but that doesn’t help her figure out how to navigate the world in the days after her mother drowned while sleepwalking. Her school counselor encourages her to go through the stages of … Continue reading