Books As Night Lights: Helping Children See In the Dark

In her books for young readers, author Kimberly Kenna addresses big topics, like environmental stress, censorship, and child sexual assault. Kenna has said, “As a former fifth-grade teacher, I know how important it is to have discussions with children about relevant life issues, especially the challenging ones.” In this guest post, Kenna talks about how books can help bring about meaningful conversations about the hardest topics.

Books As Night Lights: Helping Children See In the Dark

Abuse. Mental health. Grief.

Kimberly Kenna photo

Ugh. Do we really have to talk about that?

We do. Especially with children.

If we don’t, feelings and actions related to these topics remain hidden. It’s no secret that kids, like adults, push down hard emotions or ignore them, trying to be strong. Many children live with these challenges daily, proving their resilience, but they’ll become even stronger by acknowledging their feelings. Books can help the traumatized reader feel less alone; the curious reader can experience scary things from a safe distance. Books offer a jumping-off point for rich discussions about empathy, hope, and healing.

Consider Charlotte’s Web. It’s a classic. It’s also a tear-jerker, whether you’re an adult or a child. But readers adore this story, and it’s due in part to the fact that E. B. White is honest in portraying death, a topic that many kids are nervous about and have possibly experienced within their own family. During tough times, it’s a comfort to read about someone else who feels the way we do. That book becomes our companion, a staunch protector who respects our capacity to feel deeply. At the end of Charlotte’s Web, children have survived something they might have seen as insurmountable, and they’ve experienced death in a way that’s enough removed from reality to make their exploration of it feel safe.

Extraordinary Birds by Sandy Stark McGinnis is a middle-grade novel whose protagonist, a trauma survivor, has been shuttled between foster homes for years. Her only comfort is her birth mother’s Field Guide to Birds. She immerses herself in the book, learning all she can about the creatures that can up and fly away whenever they like. Extraordinary Birds excels in its age-appropriate handling of themes such as abuse, bullying, and the role therapy can play in healing. But there are children (and I was one of them) who might find it hard to actually speak about these things. Not to worry, because there are other ways to discuss a book. We can go beyond words by engaging a reticent child with art projects or writing diary entries for a particular character, allowing them to respond to the book in a non-verbal way that is less anxiety-provoking. Using puppets or props to represent a character and then reenacting or improvising scenes allows kids to give their words to someone else to speak. By stepping back a bit, these activities may provide the bridge that’s needed to carry on an actual conversation about the topics in the future.

More and more children’s books grapple with difficult themes, and they are often written by authors who have experienced these issues themselves. I’ve been moved by the author notes in some recent middle-grade books where they bravely share personal truths. When children in similar situations read these notes, it’s not only a declaration that they are seen but also an open invitation to share their own truths with someone. By creating an environment that fosters understanding, empathy, and open dialogue, fiction becomes a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges.


Bio: Inspired by writing and performing plays with her fifth-grade students, Kimberly returned to school for her MA in creative writing from Wilkes University. Her debut middle-grade novel, Artemis Sparke and the Sound Seekers Brigade (Fitzroy Books) is the first book in her Brave Girls Collection. The second book, Jett Jamison and the Secret Storm, is forthcoming from Black Rose Writing and has been nominated for the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature. Born, raised, and still living on the Connecticut shoreline, Kimberly now writes children’s books full time, always inspired by the power of play, thoughtful questions, and a lifelong belief in nature’s ability to heal. Connect with her at

Review: We Dug Up the World by Alexandra Stewart & Kitty Harris

We Dug Up the World cover image

Most kids, and lots of adults too, like digging. There’s something about putting a shovel or a trowel into the mud or a sandbox or a garden bed and seeing what’s beneath the surface. And what about the people who turn that fascination into a career?

Alexandra Stewart and Kitty Harris created a book for young readers that tells all about what archaelogists, palaeontologists, and geologists look for when they dig into the ground. It’s called We Dug Up the World: Unearth Amazing Archaeology Discoveries. The book starts with a list of tools these professionals use. Things like trowels, and picks, and gloves and wheelbarrows. Then it goes on to tell about amazing discoveries people have made over the years. And some of them were just everyday people who were curious and started to dig.

Take for instance Mary and Joseph Anning of England who discovered the fossils of several sea-dwelling dinosaur fish near their home. Or Jacobus Brits who found a meteorite on his farm in Namibia. And George McJunkin of New Mexico who dug up an extinct bison.

The stories of each of these adventurers unfold with whimsical illustrations that sometimes curve and wrap around the drawings. Each two-page spread reveals something about how things from the past can solve mysteries and lead to more understanding about Earth’s history.

Young explorers will find a lot to love in We Dug Up the World, which has a tall format, making it easy to find on the bookshelf for reading again and again.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Glitter Everywhere by Chris Barton

Glitter Everywhere cover image

Anyone who’s ever used glitter (and who hasn’t?) knows how even just a little can go a long way. And it keeps turning up long after your project is finished! But most people don’t know much about the background of this widely-used sparkling bit.

Glitter Everywhere! Where It Came From, Where It’s Found & Where It’s Going by Chris Barton aims to change that. More than a picture book, Glitter Everywhere talks about why people like shiny things, and how people have used various things over the ages to create that sparking look. For instance, glittery bits of beetles were used to adorn King Tut’s tomb. And the mineral mica has been used to make artwork and fabric and other creations sparkle.

Illustrations by Chaaya Prabhat are colorful and fun, showing lots of things where glitter is often found, like greeting cards and ornaments. Young readers will find interesting facts about the history of modern-day glitter, too, like a World War II product called flitter. Glitter Everywhere! doesn’t shy away from the controversy of the product, either. Glitter is a microplastic, after all, and microplastics are littering the ocean and hurting wildlife. But it also talks about what responsible companies are doing to create sustainable alternatives.

Glitter Everywhere! will have young readers thinking in new ways about an everyday product that children may use frequently. I recommend it for readers aged 6 to 9.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Graceland by Nancy Crochiere

Graceland cover image

A grandmother’s dying wish to see Graceland one more time. Her pink-haired teen granddaughter driving her there from New York in an old Volkswagen. Her daughter protecting a long-buried secret, trying to prevent them from reaching their destination. A cross-dressing cousin traveling with the daughter through the south. What could go wrong?

In Nancy Crochiere’s funny and touching Graceland, a lot goes wrong. Connections get missed, plans go awry, obstacles appear. Much of the story takes place during the journey from New York to Tennessee, when readers find out things the main characters hide, sometimes from themselves as well as each other. When they finally get where they are going, things unfold differently than they expect.

Throughout the story, truth unfolds a little at a time until all the pieces of the puzzle come together. Graceland provides and interesting glimpse into fraught mother-daughter relationships, and it shows how truth ultimately has the power to heal grievances.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Malala Activist for Girls’ Education by Raphaele Frier

Malala activist for girls education cover image

Say the name Malala, and most people know it refers to Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, who was shot by a member of the Taliban in 2012 because she was outspoken in favor of education for girls. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, and she has continued to advocate for children’s education.

An illustrated book by Raphaele Frier, Malala: Activist for Girls’ Education, tells the story of how she became so dedicated to her cause, and the ways she has spoken out over the years. Colorful, detailed illustrations by Aurélia Fronty add richness to the tale, which also helps readers learn about the history of Pakistan and the people who live there.

The last several pages of the book contain photographs of Malala and her family while detailing important events in her life and highlighting her quotes. It also provides more history about the controversy in many parts of the world over educating girls. Short bios of some people who inspire Malala, like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., are also included.

While Malala: Activist for Girls’ Education has the size and look of a picture book for younger children, it’s more meaningful for ages 6 to 9, as it discusses concepts and ideas that help children that age understand life in different parts of the world. It’s an interesting story as well as a good reference book to keep in a home library.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Firefly Summer by Morgan Matson

Ryanna Stuart expects to spend the summer on a movie set with her film director dad. But then an invitation arrives to a former summer camp run by her mom’s parents in Pennsylvania, grandparents she doesn’t remember meeting before her mom died. Her dad is reluctant for her to accept, telling her there was a rift between them that he doesn’t expect to mend.

But sensing an opportunity to learn about her mom, Ryanna decides to go. Which is when she discovers that not only will she spend time with her grandparents, but she’ll also get to know aunts, uncles, and cousins she didn’t realize existed. On top of that, she discovers a treasure map that sends her on a quest of discovery.

The Firefly Summer by Morgan Matson is great for lovers of summer camp stories, coming of age tales, and adventure and mystery books. Ryanna is 12, and her summer of discovery starts off rocky, as she doesn’t know how to fit into the group of kids and adults who clearly all know each other well. At first it’s overwhelming, but once she realizes that there are few rules and endless days to fill with fun and activities, she relaxes and starts to fit in.

When Ryanna’s grandmother gives her a set of mystery books that Ryanna’s mother read at the same age, she discovers the mystery of the map. The cousins spend most of the summer following its clues and in the process, Ryanna learns a lot about her mom.

Matson weaves an interesting tale that never disappoints. I thought I had figured out the mystery early on, and I’m delighted to say I was wrong. The Firefly Summer is lots of fun as well as entertaining and thoughtful all the way through to the last page. I highly recommend it.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: Where the Weird Things Are by Zoleka Filander

Where the Weird Things Are cover image

Some of the strangest creatures in the ocean live in what’s known at the Ocean Twilight Zone, a place so deep there’s very little light. The lie that thrives there adapted for survival in those conditions.

Where the Weird Things Are: An Ocean Twilight Zone Adventure by Zoleka Filander, introduces young readers to things like the strawberry squid, which has one yellow eye and one blue one, and salps, which help clean up the water by eating and pooping.

Everything is seen through the eyes of a mesobot, and underwater robot that helps researchers study these creatures and how they live. The mesobot thinks it’s weird, but then it finds out that everything has some weird feature, which creates the kind of diversity needed to maintain a healthy ocean.

Illustrations by Patricia Hooning are colorful and give a sense of flowing, like things would look as they swim or ride an ocean current. Bright colors pop against a dark background, and where you find abundance in a species, like krill, hundreds of them appear on the page to give a sense of the swirling mass mesobot would see.

The book is written in conjunction with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a private non-profit organization on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, which is dedicated to marine research, engineering, and higher education. And there are photographs in the back of the real-life creatures featured in the book, along with facts about them.

Where the Weird Things Are is a fun way to pique the interest of young readers about the vast world under the surface of the ocean.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Book Review: A Cat’s Guide to the Night Sky by Stuart Anderson


A cat's guide to the night sky cover image

Look up at the night sky and you may see a few familiar things. The moon certainly, and sometimes planets as well as stars. But reading the night sky, knowing what the brightest stars and constellations are called, is a little like learning a language. You discover that clusters of stars have a name and are likely to be visible in your area at certain times of the year. You discover how to distinguish stars from planets and from satellites.

A Cat’s Guide to the Night Sky by Stuart Atkinson is a great guide to help you learn that language and let you know what you’re looking at when you gaze up. The whimsical illustrations by Brendan Kearney make it easy to understand the information presented.

A Cat’s Guide starts with a list of things you’ll need to find the best viewing and be comfortable while you’re out. It shows the contrast between what you can see in a city, which has light pollution, to what you can see outside of an urban area.

I found the progression in the book particularly interesting. It tells about how things in the night sky were named, defines different kinds of stars, and presents the idea of constellations before showing the most prominent ones visible by season.

A Cat’s Guide is the kind of book that can be studied closely before heading out in the dark to look up. And it can be kept as a handy guide to be referenced over and over again, as you learn different elements each time you go out stargazing. It’s a great parent/child activity that you can do all year long.

I highly recommend it for ages nine and up.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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