Book Review: Project Jackalope by Emily Ecton

Tweet Jeremy thought he was doing Professor Twitchett a favor by running errands for him after the professor and Agatha have a falling out. But when the professor disappears leaving Jeremy with what appears to be a jackalope and suited … Continue reading

Book Review: Tua and the Elephant by R. P. Harris, Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo

Tweet Everyone in Tua’s little village in Thailand loves her. She weaves her way among the market stalls while her mother is at work, getting attention from vendors her know her as their little “peanut.” But when Tua sees an … Continue reading

Book Review: The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook by Joanne Rocklin

Tweet I loved being able to recommend good books for middle-grade readers, which is roughly defined as readers aged 9 to 12, The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook is one of those, so read on for the review, and … Continue reading

Book Review: Possum Summer by Jen K. Blom

Tweet The first time P (short for Princess) picks up the tiny possum she knows she’s in trouble. For one thing, she knows her Dad doesn’t allow pets on their Oklahoma farm. For another, she doesn’t even know what baby … Continue reading

Book Review: Doggirl by Robin Brande

Tweet Riley Case, aka Doggirl, has always been better at communicating with dogs than people, and she sees no reason to change that. All she wants to do is get through high school and go to college so she can … Continue reading

Book Review: Dewey the Library Cat: A True Story by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter

Tweet A tiny kitten was left in a library return box in a small town in Iowa during the late 1980s. When found, he was almost frozen and half-starved. From such humble beginnings, that tiny kitten went on to become … Continue reading

Book Review: Jane and the Raven King by Stephen Chambers

Tweet   Jane knows something is up when she spots a squirrel packing a suitcase. Things get even stranger when she realizes that birds aren’t singing and all the wild animals seem to be leaving. As adults get more and … Continue reading

Book Review: Dogsled Dreams by Terry Lynn Johnson

Tweet Rebecca loves nothing more than to be out on the trail with her huskies on a sled. She dreams of leading a team in a race one day, and when her change comes, she really wants to prove to … Continue reading

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