Book Review: Apples, Bean Dip, & Carrot Cake by Anne and Freya Dinshah

Tweet When family life is busy it can be easy for parents to do everything to keep things running smoothly, even if that means completing tasks that their kids could competently take on. Preparing meals often falls into that category, … Continue reading

Book Review: The Adventures of Tilda Pinkerton by Angela Shelton

Tweet Tilda Pinkerton lands on the planet of Ooleeoo with a bent light atop her head and no memory of who she is or where she comes from. But she does have a specific flair for making incredible hats that … Continue reading

Book Review and Giveaway: Operation Oleander by Valerie O. Patterson

Tweet Today I’m featuring a review of Operation Oleander with a giveaway of one copy to a reader in the U.S. or Canada. Just leave a comment by midnight (PDT) Monday, March 18 for a chance to win. (Please note: … Continue reading

Book Review: St. Viper’s School for Super Villains by Kim Donovan

Tweet Demon Kid has a lot to live up to. His dad, Demon King, is a well known super bad super villain, and Demon Kid would like nothing better than to follow in his footsteps. So he’s excited to be … Continue reading

Book Review: The Escape of Princess Madeleine by Kirstin Pulioff

Tweet Princess Madeleine is not happy. Her father has arranged a ball for her 16th birthday so can choose a suitable husband for her. Madeline may have known this day was coming, but she doesn’t want to be paraded around … Continue reading

Book Review: The 13th Sign by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb

Tweet When Jalen finds a mysterious, locked book called The Keypers of the Zodiac in a voodoo shop in New Orleans, she is irresistibly drawn to it. But when she finds a way to unlock it, she sets off a … Continue reading

Book Review: Wish You Were Eyre by Heather Vogel Frederick

Tweet I don’t read many continuing books in a series for review on this site. My review philosophy is that if the first book in a series is strong enough to stand on its own, then it’s a good choice … Continue reading

Book Review: When Thunder Comes: Poems for Civil Right Leaders by J. Patrick Lewis

Tweet Children’s Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis has created a new book of poems for young people about the lives of those around the world who sought to break race, class and sexual equality barriers through their actions. When Thunder … Continue reading

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