Book Review: Gabriel Finley & the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen

Tweet In the old days, ravens and humans were friends and traveled together, communicating and helping each other. Then a rift occurred, separating the two forever, except for a lucky few. Gabriel Finley is one of those lucky few, a … Continue reading

Book Review: A Little Women Christmas by Heather Vogel Frederick

Tweet It’s Christmas Eve and although the March sisters and their mother have little money for presents, they gather to give simple gifts and be thankful for their health and their happy home. Their thoughts are with their father, away … Continue reading

Book Review: Fleabrain Loves Franny by Joanne Rocklin

Tweet It’s 1952 and Franny Katzenback is recovering from polio, undergoing painful physical therapy and wondering if she’ll ever walk again. During her illness she imagined she was being tended by angels, so when she starts to receive letters from … Continue reading

Book Review: The Biggest Burp Ever: Funny Poems for Kids by Kenn Nesbitt

Tweet Kenn Nesbitt firmly believes that reading funny poems helps kids learn to read by making them laugh and want to keep turning pages. If that’s the case, then his newest book, The Biggest Burp Ever: Funny Poems for Kids, … Continue reading

Book Review: The Categorical Universe of Candice Phee by Barry Jonsberg

Tweet Candice knows she sees things a little differently than most people. She also knows she’s a truth teller—she says what needs to be said whether it’s polite or not. When she gets an assignment to write about something that … Continue reading

Book Review: Rhyme Schemer by K. A. Holt

Tweet Kevin is the youngest of five boys, and it seems to him that his parents have no time to think about him. One of his brothers bullies him, and he in turn takes it out on other kids in … Continue reading

The (Almost) Perfect Guide to Imperfect Boys by Barbara Dee

Tweet Finley and her best friend Maya thought it would be a cute idea to categorize the boys in their middle-school classroom according to how they behaved. Tadpoles were boys who still acted immature for their age, croakers were showing … Continue reading

Book Giveaway & Review: Friendship Over by Julie Sternberg, Illustrated by Johanna Wright

Tweet Today I’m part of a blog tour to introduce a new series for young readers: The Top-Secret Diary of Celie Valentine and its first book, Friendship Over. As part of the tour, I have one copy to give away … Continue reading

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