Tweet The Pink Locker Society is back up and running after being shut down in the first book of the series: Only Girls Allowed. In this book, Best Kept Secret, Jemma and her friends secretly continue to answer questions that … Continue reading
Category Archives: Reviews of Books for 11-13 Year Olds
Tweet At 13, Jade has a lot to deal with: she’s still getting over her mother’s drowning death a year ago, she just got her first period, and she might have a crush on a guy who surely thinks she’s … Continue reading
Tweet Jane knows something is up when she spots a squirrel packing a suitcase. Things get even stranger when she realizes that birds aren’t singing and all the wild animals seem to be leaving. As adults get more and … Continue reading
Tweet Addy chafes against the strict expectations a girl of her position has in society. She attends school with girls who are much wealthier, but she is expected to acquiesce always to what they want. Her attitude often lands her … Continue reading
Tweet Cleopatra Rules! The Amazing Life of the Original Teen Queen by Vicky Alvear Shecter is sure to be a hit with anyone who is interested in learning more about the real story of Cleopatra, her life, and the times … Continue reading
Tweet Rebecca loves nothing more than to be out on the trail with her huskies on a sled. She dreams of leading a team in a race one day, and when her change comes, she really wants to prove to … Continue reading
Tweet Elizabeth is excited that fourth grade is almost over and she’ll soon be able to hang out for lazy days on her farm with her best friend Rachel. She knows there will also be lots of work to do, … Continue reading
Tweet In The Pony Whisperer: The Word on the Yard by Janet Rising, Pia found an ancient figurine that helped her communicate with horses. Her new talent gained her both friends and enemies, as some people used Pia’s new ability … Continue reading