Book Review: Coda by Emma Trevayne

Tweet In a future world, after a war that disrupted civilization as we know it, New York City recreated itself in a way to make sure it’s citizens would never rebel against the establishment. In this world music is a … Continue reading

Book Review: Death, Dickinson and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia by Jenny Torres Sanchez

Tweet Frenchie lives down the street from the local cemetery, so she’s well aware of the impermanence of life. But lately it’s been getting her down more that usual and only Frenchie knows why. No one knows she was with … Continue reading

Book Review: Clementine and the Spring Trip by Sara Pennypacker

Tweet It’s springtime and Clementine has a lot to look forward to. Her mom is pregnant and she’ll soon have a baby brother or sister, the weather is great so she can go outside a lot, and her class is … Continue reading

Book Review: Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green

Tweet Tenley, Caitlin and Sydney are three high school girls from Echo Bay with something to hide. But when each starts receiving mysterious notes that ask them to take dares or risk their secrets being exposed, they don’t know who … Continue reading

Book Review: Half Lives by Sara Grant

Tweet In the before time the worst thing Icie had to worry about was her ex-boyfriend posting their breakup on Facebook. But when her parents put her on a plane with $10,000, a backpack of survival gear, the key to … Continue reading

Book Review: How to Lose Everything by Philipp Mattheis

Tweet Jonathan, Sam, Schulz and Eric are doing what they normally do in summer, hanging out at the skate park, smoking, drinking and talking about sex. But when they hear about an abandoned house not far from their neighborhood in … Continue reading

Book Review: Beautiful Decay by Sylvia Lewis

Tweet Everything Ellie touches turns to mold and begins to rot. Even her own mother is afraid of her. At school she’s a freak and other kids avoid her like the plague until the day Nate shows up. From Nate … Continue reading

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