Review—Kin: Rooted in Hope by Carole Boston Weatherford

Tweet In her book Kin: Rooted in Hope, award-winning children’s author and poet Carole Boston Weatherford takes a family roots story and turns it into the wider tale of American slavery. Through research, Weatherford discovered that her ancestors fought in … Continue reading

Review: The A&A Detective Agency: The Fairfleet Affair by K. H. Saxton

Tweet Young readers who love mysteries similar to The Westing Game, will love K. H. Saxton’s The A & A Detective Agency: The Fairfleet Affair. In the story, Alex Foster and Asha Singh are not only friends, they also have … Continue reading

Review: Graveyard Girls Scream for the Camera by Lisi Harrison & Daniel Kraus

Tweet When we last saw the Graveyard Girls, Whisper, Sophie, Gemma, and their friend Zuzu, they had just found out that someone stole Silas Hoke’s body. In the next installment in the series, Graveyard Girls: Scream for the Camera by … Continue reading

Review: Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug

Tweet The lovable troupe of adventure seekers from Quest Kids and the Dragon Pants of Gold continue their search for Ned’s parents in Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug. Six months after Ned, Terra, Gil, Boulder, and Ash … Continue reading

Book Review: Hello Trees by Nina Chakrabarti

Tweet Hello Trees: A Little Guide to Nature by Nina Chakrabarti is a great little book for children about something we see every day but probably don’t give much thought to. This small-format pocket guide is handy enough to take … Continue reading

Book Review: Mascot by Charles Waters & Traci Sorell

Tweet What happens when students of a public school see the sports mascot as racist and others see it as a tradition to be upheld? That’s the question asked in the middle grade novel Mascot by Charles Waters and Traci … Continue reading

Review: She’s a Mensch! by Rachelle Burk & Alana Barouch

Tweet Mensch is a Yiddish word that refers to someone who has integrity, and whom others consider to be good, possibly a role model. Authors Rachelle Burk and Alana Barouch, a mother-daughter team, have highlighted several Jewish women through history … Continue reading

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