Book Review: Henny on the Couch by Rebecca Land Soodak

Henny on the Couch cover imageKara’s life in Manhattan roars at a dizzying pace. She feels she is always rushing to something—work, her children’s activities, or an event with her husband. There’s no time for her to think, just to do. Then, one day when she encounters paintings in a gallery from her former lover in college, she begins to question what she really feels is important as well as how she wants her future to unfold.

Henny on the Couch by Rebecca Land Soodak takes a look at how easy it is for us to go through every day in charge of the details and lose sight of the big picture we want to create with those details. Kara experiences what many moms do: she is generally happy with her life, yet she’s also restless for something more. She started a successful business, but the work there doesn’t make her happy. She always wonders if she’s spending enough time with her children, particularly when her daughter Henny starts to have trouble in school. And her husband seems sure of where he wants to go, which is to grow his business and move the family to the West Coast, but Kara’s not sure she wants to do that either. She wants to address the issue, but she doesn’t know how to do that and stay married.

Underlying it all is Kara’s own experience as a child, with a mother who was always disappointed that she wasn’t talented enough to pursue her dream of singing professionally and drank to numb her sense of failure. When Kara meets Oliver, her old lover, again, and when her best friend makes a life change Kara doesn’t approve of, she finally takes the time the think about what she really wants and how she wants her life to be going forward.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book to review.

Book Review: Day of Honey by Annia Ciezadlo

Day of Honey cover imageWhen Annia Ciezadlo started dating a Lebanese man she met in New York, she had no idea how his culture and his family would influence her life. After all, most of Mohamad’s family lived elsewhere, in Lebanon, France and Spain. But when Newsday appointed Mohamad chief of its Middle East bureau, he wanted to be stationed in Beirut, and Annia moved with him. Soon they were both in Iraq, Mohamad reporting and Annia working as a freelance writer. Annia’s story, Day of Honey: A Memoir of Food, Love, And War talks about their days living there and the subsequent years they spent back in Beirut.

A girl from the Midwest, Annia saw importance in food from the time she was very young. She eats anything, which is part of what makes her account so fascinating. While Annia’s story takes place in war zones, her story is not about the conflicts themselves as much as it is about the people that experience it. How do they live, how do they eat, and how do they comfort themselves amid the uncertainty and violence? The people she befriends, the people she interviews for stories, all experience loss and deprivation, yet they carry on in ways that people have probably been carrying on from the beginning of conflict—with food, with friends and family, and with hope for the future.

As Annia meets Mohamad’s family and gets to know them, eventually even learning how to cook traditional Lebanese foods from his mother, she also confronts what it is about herself that makes her crave life in a war zone. Her descriptions of the conflicts she finds herself in the middle of and recent histories there are interesting. It’s a fascinating account of a place and a time that few of us have experienced outside of news stories. A bonus with Day of Honey is all the recipes in the back—nearly 20 of them that you’ll be eager to try so you can bring a taste of the Middle East into your own kitchen.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book to review.


Rosie Flo’s Coloring Fashion Show Provides Hours of Fun

Rosie Flo’s coloring books series by Roz Streeten offers several out-of-the-ordinary options for kids who like to and have the patience to color in detail. The series includes books on kitchen items, gardening, animals, travel, night-time activities and more. Now author Roz Streeten has created Rosie Flo’s Coloring Fashion Show with tear outs that let kids create their own fashion shows, complete with an audience and a runway.

I asked for a copy of this for review from the publisher because I thought it would resonate with younger girls who like to color and would appreciate being able to make a display with their creations. Once I received my copy in the mail, I knew it would live up to my expectations. Rosie Flo’s Coloring Fashion Show comes in a sturdy box that can keep everything tidy as girls complete each part of the tableau that will make up their stage and fashions. Once colored in, the stage itself with the runway is easy and fun to assemble.

The outfits for the models and audience members are not connected with faces, legs and arms, and at first I wasn’t sure I liked it that way. I am used to cut-outs that attach to figures that actually look like people. But then I realized I like this template better, because it lets you imagine the types of people wearing the clothes. In your mind, you can create an audience and models of whatever ethnicity you’d like, without a cut-out making it fixed.

I really enjoyed thinking about the colors I wanted to use on the fashions, and it was fun creating wild combinations that I would never wear myself. My daughter and I worked on this together, and I appreciated the time we had to talk as we both colored away. It’s the kind of unstructured conversation time that rarely comes up in our daily lives. My daughter is also a fan of Project Runway, so she was happy for a chance to put her own thoughts about color onto the outfits provided in the kit.

Here are a few photos of Rosie Flo’s Coloring Fashion Show to help give you an idea of what you and your daughter can create.

Rosie Flo's Coloring Fashion Show image

Here’s the box with the stage unassembled and sheets of fashions nearby.

Rosie Flo's Fashion Coloring Show imageRosie Flo's Fashion Coloring Show imageRosie Flo's Fashion Coloring Show imageRosie Flo's Coloring Fashion Show Runway

Here’s the audience assembled and a dress on the runway.

Rosie Flo's Coloring Fashion Show assembly

Here’s our work area. Lots of fashions are already completed, but there’s still more to go.





Author K. L. Glanville Talks About Science Fiction and Imagination and Gives Away a Copy of Her Book

In this essay, K. L. Glanville, author of 2108: Eyes Open,shares her thoughts on how science fiction can stimulate discussions about morals and beliefs that take place in the here and now. I’ve experienced this in book club meetings myself, as club members discussed the ethics of using imagined medical technologies to prolong human life. Read on to find out more about what Glanville has to say. Then check out the description of her book below the essay and leave a comment by midnight (PST), Monday, April 23 for a chance to win a copy (U.S. and Canadian addresses only please).

Science-Fiction—More Than Just the Imagination?

K. L. Glanville photoBy K.L. Glanville

I don’t pretend to be an expert on sci-fi by any stretch of the imagination. Yet I still decided to write a futuristic novel. What can I say? Maybe I was a bit presumptuous. I’m simply an author who wanted to have fun writing a novel that takes place in the future. I did have a lot of fun writing 2108: Eyes Open, and I hope you’ll agree with me that the story turned out quite exciting.

In writing 2108: Eyes Open, I wanted this futuristic story to be somewhat plausible, even if it was outlandish and wild. I wanted the technology and issues in my story to be something close to what could possibly happen. I’m not saying that it will happen, but I researched a variety of subjects for the writing of this book. I researched future technology predictions, current cutting edge technology, genetic alteration, GMO’s, futuristic architecture, what people think about aliens, and all sorts of other rabbit trails. There is validity in the saying that truth can be a whole lot stranger than fiction!

As I dove into these topics and later reflected on the resulting story that sprang from it, I began to realize firsthand how the sci-fi genre is used to flesh out possible ramifications of emerging issues in society. Take for instance transhumanism. A big word, I know. It was a new word for me! Transhumanism is basically the pursuit of enhancing humanity genetically and technologically. It would include things like bionic enhancements and mixing animal and human DNA to give humans some enhanced and more animalistic abilities (like seeing in the dark). There are immense ethical issues related to transhumanism that have only begun to be discussed.

After I wrote my book, I realized I had, among other things, offered a commentary on the possible effects of pursuing the limits of transhumanism. The sci-fi genre isn’t just about seeing how far the author’s imagination can go. It can be used as a springboard to explore possible implications of issues and technologies that are emerging now. Reading sci-fi books with your children can be a great way to introduce discussions on ethical issues and ramifications of various thoughts and technologies.

I hope that when you pick up a copy of my new book, 2108: Eyes Open, both you and your child will enjoy a wild ridethrough the story . . . as well as be stimulated to think and discuss!

2108 Eyes Open book cover

From K. L. Glanville about her book: 2108: Eyes Open is a fun, intense, a bit romantic and adventurous coming of age story about Jewel Peara, where she learns about the lives of other people and beings sharing the planet in the year 2108. Here’s an introduction of the story in her own words:
“It’s the year 2108. I just turned 16. That means I can access the autopilot on my Aerokopa. So now, I can both fly and scope the Dat-X at the same time. But what good is that when I don’t even have a date to my best friend’s party of the century? Okay, well, one of the Holdouts offered to go with me . . . but there’s NO WAY I’m going with one of them! And then there are the Trollers docked at the quay. They’re most likely spies working with the Aliens, bringing nothing but trouble. But with this visit, they may even bring war. It would be treason to talk to them, let alone . . . befriend one. But what’s a curious girl to do? Did I tell you I have a propensity for trouble?”

Glanville is touring a few other blogs in the coming days. If you’d like to check her out in other places, here’s where you can find her:

Wednesday, April 11: Chapter by Chapter (book review & giveaway)
Thursday, April 12: Beautiful Blank Pages (author interview & giveaway), Adriana Ryan’s Blog (author interview & giveaway), Book Journey (book review)
Friday, April 13: My Guilty Obsession (book review & character interview with Jewel)
Saturday, April 14: The Children’s and Teen’s Book Connection (author interview)
Sunday, April 15: Stiletto Story Time (book review & giveaway)
Monday, April 16: Young Adult Books–What We’re Reading (book review)

Book Review: Calli Be Gold by Michele Weber Hurwitz

Calli Be Gold cover imageCalli feels as though she’s the only one in her family who is not a super achiever. Her brother excels at basketball, her sister skates and her parents are busy getting them to practices and games and cheering them on. As the youngest, Calli often feels she gets no attention because she’s average and happy to be that way. But when her fifth grade class is paired with a group of second graders as part of a Peer Helper Program, she may just find something she is happy to excel at.

Calli Be Gold by Michele Weber Hurwitz is sure to strike a chord with both moms and daughters. Calli’s mom never has a spare moment, rushing from one event to another with post-it notes stuck to her steering wheel to help her remember where she’s going. Her dad pushes all the kids to be super achievers, and he asks them each to report on their accomplishments every night at dinner. The portrait is of a family so busy doing, they don’t have time to relax. That lifestyle is bound to be familiar to many readers.

Calli has to figure out how to let her family know that she doesn’t want to jump onto the merry-go-round of activities. The family dynamic is complicated by the fact that both of her parents didn’t get to achieve things they wanted when they were children, so they are determined that their own kids won’t have similar regrets.

Calli’s relationship with Noah, the second-grader she works with for the Peer Helper Program, helps her see what’s really important and find a way to let everyone else know how she feels. Noah faces challenges of his own, and as she gets to know him better, she realizes what her own strengths are.

Mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 9 to 13 will have a lot to talk about after reading Calli Be Gold. They can talk about the things they like to do and what motivates them to do those things. They can talk about the difficulties and challenges family members sometimes face when communicating with each other. Also, there are issues with Calli and her friends at school, as well as with Noah, that should provide for interesting discussion. I highly recommend it.

The author provided me with a copy of this book to review.

Author Joanne Rocklin Talks About the Healing Power of Stories

Joanne Rocklin photo

Joanne Rocklin, Photo by Gerry Nelson

Yesterday I reviewed Joanne Rocklin’s great book for 8 to 12 year olds, The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook. I’m also offering a giveaway, which you can enter to win by commenting on the review post. Today, Rocklin talks about the healing power of stories and the role storytelling plays in our lives. Here’s what she has to say:

My new book, The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, is about a family, a cat, pizza, Secret Loves, city gardens, wishes, wild theories, and about mourning the death of a father. But mainly, it is about stories. Probably all of my novels have been about our need for stories.

In my humble opinion, stories are what make us human. (As Oona, the main character of my book says about her Gramma Dee, “She means just the opposite of humble, like ‘smart’ or ‘terrific’ opinion. Believe me, she wouldn’t give her opinion if she thought it were wrong.”) O.K. Oona’s right. I really, really, really believe stories make us human. Dogs and cats and goldfish can’t tell stories.

And yet, I’ve always wished my adopted cats could share their histories, sad as they may have been. I just wanted to know. I wanted to know so badly I decided to write a book about a girl who tells her little brother that cats have nine lives and their own ailing cat, Zook, is working on his fifth life. She tells him the stories of Zook’s past lives, of Miraculo, who saved a kingdom, and Jewel The Ghost Cat, and Mud who fought a monster. Even though Zook is at the vet, Oona says, he’ll come home as good as new. He’s still got four more lives to go! And Fred believes her.

The stories Oona tells, and the story Fred tells, too, help them both experience the powers of the imagination, the joyous release that telling wonderful whoppers provide. Story-telling and story-receiving are just plain fun, especially when times are hard and spirits need uplifting.

For Oona it is also a chance to tell her father’s stories, to remember him and say good-bye in the telling. And to proudly make the tales her own, as she adds details from her own life, as all storytellers do. Some of those details she hadn’t thought were important, until she put them into her story. Oona even provides an eight-point theory of storytelling. Point Six: “It doesn’t have to be a totally happy ending,” as long as that ending comes with some understanding and a bit of hope. Or a good laugh.

But some stories are almost impossible to tell, and Oona knows this very well. As she gains compassion and understands more of her world, she’s finally able to trust enough to share the details of one particular story, rather than keeping it all inside.

And that’s the humanizing aspect of stories, in my humble opinion. Whether we are the story-teller or the story-receiver, mother or daughter, sister or brother, friend or foe, it’s in the sharing of stories that we discover, and reveal, our own true selves.

Joanne Rocklin's Grandson and Dog photo

Joanne Rocklin’s grandson reading to her dog




Book Review: The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook by Joanne Rocklin

The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook cover imageI loved being able to recommend good books for middle-grade readers, which is roughly defined as readers aged 9 to 12, The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook is one of those, so read on for the review, and check back tomorrow for an essay from author Joanne Rocklin about the power of telling stories (check back tomorrow for the essay).

Ever since Oona found Zook, short for zucchini, in the alley by their apartment, the kitty has been a big part of her family’s life. He helped comfort Oona’s dad when he was dying of cancer, and he’s a constant companion to Oona and her little brother, Fred. But when Zook gets sick and has to stay at the vet’s office, Oona and Fred both worry that he won’t make it.

To distract Fred, and to buoy up her own spirits, Oona tells him that cats have nine lives, and Zook is on his fifth. She creates imaginative stories about all the adventures their kitty has had in his other lives, and while she talks she also helps Fred learn how to spell by drawing rebuses, which are puzzles that combine pictures and letters to suggest a word.

In between telling stories of Zook, Oona worries because her mom is hanging out more and more with a man who lives around the corner. Plus, Oona is keeping a big secret about the day she found Zook. She’s not sure how she’s ever going to tell the truth, but she knows the day is coming when she’ll have to.

The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook is a sweet book about a thoughtful 10-year-old girl who is still grieving for her father and is determined to do what she can for her beloved cat. You’ll fall in love with Oona, who knows that important words are spelled in all caps and has what she calls the “Rainbow Whopper Theory” about lying—blue whoppers save “your scaredy skin,” black whoppers are told to hurt someone, yellow whoppers leave important information out…and so on.

Oona loves her little brother, and she wants to protect him as well as help teach him. She’s a big help to her mother, but she also resents that her mother seems to be moving on with her life after her dad’s death. She’s determined to think bad things about the man her mother is spending time with.

Oona is quick to judge, but she’s also quick to revise her opinion. Deep down she knows what is right, but she struggles to always do the right thing. By the time you turn the last page of The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, Oona will have worked her way into your heart and will stay there for a while. I highly recommend the book for mother-daughter book clubs with girls aged 8 and up.

Check the author’s website for a sample chapter, an activity kit that you can use during a meeting, and a link to the book trailer.

The author provided me with a copy of this book to review.


Book Review: Boy 21 by Matthew Quick

Boy 21 cover imageFinley goes into his senior year in high school knowing three things: he loves his girlfriend Erin, he plans to have a stellar year as point guard of his basketball team, and then, somehow, he will get out of the rough Philadelphia neighborhood that has worn down his father and grandfather.

But when his basketball coach asks him to befriend a troubled boy whose parents have been murdered, Finley’s world is turned upside down. Russ, or Boy 21 as he wants to be called, is a basketball star who plays the same position as Finley. Also, Finley has never been friends with another boy; he’s not sure he will know how to help Russ.

As Finley discovers, senior year has even more surprises in store for him, and before it’s over he will revisit a troubling incident in his own childhood and question all the things he knows to be true.

Boy 21 by Matthew Quick is raw and gritty as it unflinchingly looks at life in inner-city Philadelphia, where competing mobs and drug dealers rule the streets and quiet boys need to be under someone’s protection to survive. Quick gets to the heart of Finley’s conflict: he is a part of the environment he grew up in, and while he longs to find a better life, he’s not sure how to make that happen. He’s been taught to respect authority, and he doesn’t question what his coach asks him to do. But is that truly in his best interest? Finley is a team player. The question is, can he stay one and still find a way to leave the street behind.

Great for both boys and girls, Boy 21 examines issues of family, resilience, survival, and tragedy. It will grip you right up until the unexpected conclusion.

The publisher provided me with a copy of this book to review.

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