About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: Ruined by Paula Morris

Tweet Author Christina Hamlett is a regular guest reviewer here at Mother Daughter Book Club.com. Here she gives her take on a supernatural book for young adults set in one of my favorite cities: New Orleans. Her review ends with … Continue reading

Book Review: Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge by Ramey Channell

Tweet In Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge, Ramey Channell has painted a picture of simpler times when families lived close together and helped each other out, children were free to play and spark their imaginations without close adult supervision, and … Continue reading

Book Review: Wish You Were Eyre by Heather Vogel Frederick

Tweet I don’t read many continuing books in a series for review on this site. My review philosophy is that if the first book in a series is strong enough to stand on its own, then it’s a good choice … Continue reading

Book Review: Hating Heidi Foster by Jeffrey Blount

Tweet Mae McBride’s life comes crashing down around her when her father dies while rescuing her best friend from a burning home. Bereft of anyone to talk to except her mom, who is dealing with her own grief, Mae shuts … Continue reading

Book Review: When Thunder Comes: Poems for Civil Right Leaders by J. Patrick Lewis

Tweet Children’s Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis has created a new book of poems for young people about the lives of those around the world who sought to break race, class and sexual equality barriers through their actions. When Thunder … Continue reading

Book Review: Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm by Philip Pullman

Tweet Many of the fairytales that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected and published in the 1800s are well known even today: Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood. So why would anyone be interested in reading a … Continue reading

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