Tweet Author Christina Hamlett is a regular guest reviewer here at Mother Daughter Book Here she gives her take on a supernatural book for young adults set in one of my favorite cities: New Orleans. Her review ends with … Continue reading
Cindy Hudson
Tweet Books get to be known as classics when they stand the test of time with generation after generation of readers. Many of these classics end up becoming movies, which take the place of the written story in popular culture—think … Continue reading
Tweet In Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge, Ramey Channell has painted a picture of simpler times when families lived close together and helped each other out, children were free to play and spark their imaginations without close adult supervision, and … Continue reading
Tweet It’s no surprise that January is National Soup Month. Most of our nation experiences cold weather during January, and having a bowl of soup for dinner is a good way to warm up. That goes for book clubs too. … Continue reading
Tweet I don’t read many continuing books in a series for review on this site. My review philosophy is that if the first book in a series is strong enough to stand on its own, then it’s a good choice … Continue reading
Tweet Mae McBride’s life comes crashing down around her when her father dies while rescuing her best friend from a burning home. Bereft of anyone to talk to except her mom, who is dealing with her own grief, Mae shuts … Continue reading
Tweet Children’s Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis has created a new book of poems for young people about the lives of those around the world who sought to break race, class and sexual equality barriers through their actions. When Thunder … Continue reading
Tweet Many of the fairytales that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected and published in the 1800s are well known even today: Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood. So why would anyone be interested in reading a … Continue reading