About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: The Adventures of Tilda Pinkerton by Angela Shelton

Tweet Tilda Pinkerton lands on the planet of Ooleeoo with a bent light atop her head and no memory of who she is or where she comes from. But she does have a specific flair for making incredible hats that … Continue reading

Book Review: Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle

Tweet Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle is a picture book in the purest sense: there are only pictures, no words. But the pictures tell a great story of a little girl named Flora who wants to be graceful … Continue reading

Interview with Bernadette Noll, Author of Slow Family Living

Tweet Yesterday, I featured a review of Slow Family Living: 75 Simple Ways to Slow Down, Connect, and Create More Joy by Bernadette Noll. Today, Bernadette is stopping by Mother Daughter Book Club. com to talk about the Slow Family … Continue reading

Book Review: Slow Family Living by Bernadette Noll

Tweet If you ever feel that family life is like being on a speeding treadmill in a never-ending rush from one chore or activity to another, take heart. A book by Bernadette Noll, cofounder of SlowFamilyLiving.com, has a few ideas … Continue reading

Book Review: If I Have to Tell You One More Time by Amy McCready

Tweet How many times have you wished you had a different solution when your kids act up than threatening with a time out or losing your cool and demanding they just do what you say? Situations that pit child against … Continue reading

Book Review: Poopendous by Artie Bennett and Mike Moran

Tweet It’s true: little kids love to talk about poop. Parents can help them channel that attraction, and get them talking and laughing and learning abut poop all at the same time with the help of a new picture book … Continue reading

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