About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Review: Highlights Hidden Pictures Coloring Book for Grown-Up Children

Tweet When I was growing up I used to love reading Highlights for Children magazine every month. When my own daughters were born I wanted to provide the same reading experience for them, and so subscribed for many years as … Continue reading

Book Review: El Perro con Sombrero by Derek Taylor Kent

Tweet There once was a little dog named Pepe who achieved fame and fortune because of the enormous sombrero he wore on his head. But for all his success, the little dog most wanted what he did not have: a … Continue reading

Book Review: Fable Comics, Edited by Chris Duffy

Tweet Fables are an age-old way to get a moral across through telling a story. We all know about how the lazy hare tanks in a “can’t-lose race” with a tortoise by being overconfident and neglecting to do the work … Continue reading

Book Review: Secret Coders by Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes

Tweet Hopper hates starting at a new school, particularly because Stately Academy looks like a haunted house and kids mostly ignore her. She’s surprised when Eni, a guy twice her size who she expects will be mean, becomes her friend … Continue reading

Book Review: Speak Up! by Halley Bondy

Tweet Speaking up for ourselves in important matters seems like it should be easy. After all, if we can’t say what we like, dislike, or won’t accept, who will do it for us? Yet, many people have trouble doing this. … Continue reading

Book Review: The Trouble With Ants by Claudia Mills

Tweet Nora Alpers likes making observations and collecting facts, particularly about the ants in her ant farm. As a budding scientist, she knows that facts can be used to draw logical conclusions. Nora is happy to help her friends take … Continue reading

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