About Cindy Hudson

Cindy Hudson is the author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press 2009) and creator of Mother Daughter Book Club.com. She also writes about family literacy issues.

Book Review: How to Stop Your Grownup From Making Bad Decisions by Judy Balan

Tweet There are so many things twelve-year-old Nina doesn’t understand about grown ups. Like why do they ask you questions if they don’t want honest answers, and if adults can stop kids from doing things, then why can’t kids stop … Continue reading

Book Review: Brothers of the Buffalo by Joseph Bruchac

Tweet Today I’m treviewing Brothers of the Buffalo: A Novel of the Red River War. This historical fiction young adult novel is about two young men on the opposite sides of conflict. It’s a great book for young adults to … Continue reading

Book Review: Fantastic Fugitives by Brianna DuMont

Tweet Cleopatra, Martin Luther, the Pilgrims, John Dillinger and Nelson Mandela all had two things in common: at some time in their lives they were in hiding from authorities, and their actions had an effect on history. The details of … Continue reading

Book Review: Uprooted by Lynne Reid Banks

Tweet At the start of World War II, many women and children left England to live with relatives or sponsoring families in Canada and the U.S. The idea was to keep them safe from the bombing and hardship that was … Continue reading

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