Tweet In a future world where a new Ice Age has sent humans onto spaceships orbiting Earth, Stella Ainsley is an orphan looking for a better life. Part-time teacher, part-time engineer, she finds employment as a governess to one child … Continue reading
Tag Archives: great books for teens
Tweet Lily’s mother has promised her that if she does well in school during her junior year she’ll be able to visit her dad for the summer. It’s been five years since he left the family and the life he … Continue reading
Tweet Abby and Riya have been best friends since before they can remember, but their relationship started to chill when Riya moved with her parents from their small California town to Germany. From a distance, it became difficult for them … Continue reading
Tweet Colin and Ty work in the small parts factory of Metaltown, a dark, cold place where even children who work are only one step away from starvation and homelessness. Lena’s father owns the factory and his word rules Metaltown. … Continue reading
Tweet When a freak accident leaves Stella unable to hear it changes everything. She can no longer perform the lead role in her high school’s production of West Side Story and her dreams of Broadway fade with her hearing. But … Continue reading
Tweet Life for women in medieval Italy did not offer many choices, and girls who didn’t conform were looked upon with suspicion. So when seventeen-year-old Santina leaves her comfortable life to live with and learn from the local midwife, some … Continue reading
Tweet Today I’m taking part in a blog tour for Three Day Summer, a book about how the Woodstock Music Festival changes the lives of two teens. I’ll feature my review of the book tomorrow, and today I’m happy to … Continue reading
Tweet Add another great historical fiction novel to the growing list from Michaela MacColl focusing on famous women. In The Revelation of Louisa May, MacColl imagines a mystery for Louisa May Alcott to solve, and in the process brings to … Continue reading