Tweet The story of how 12 black students integrated a public high school in Clinton, Tennessee, in 1956 is not as well known as other stories of children breaking down race barriers during that time. This Promise of Change: One … Continue reading
Tag Archives: civil rights
Tweet Glow is a fascinating story that starts during the early days of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1940s and goes back in time to tell the story of a remote mountainous region in Georgia and the generations of … Continue reading
Tweet For more than a hundred years the Groves have been one of the first families of Nashville. Bezellia Grove, named for a famous ancestor, feels the pressure to live up to her mother’s expectations that she speak French fluently, … Continue reading
Tweet Yesterday Catherine and I went to see The Secret Life of Bees with our book club. It was a school holiday and Madeleine joined us, since we had previously read the book with her book club too. We enjoyed … Continue reading
Tweet This past Sunday Catherine and I went to our mother-daughter book club meeting to talk about The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Ellen cooked a great southern-themed dinner to go with the book; we feasted on … Continue reading