Since the first germ of an idea by their original creators, Little Free Libraries have sprung up in nearly 90 countries around the world. If you’re not familiar with Little Free Libraries, they usually consist of a container placed near a sidewalk or other public place to house free books for exchange.
How did Little Free Libraries first come into being? That’s the subject of a picture book, Little Libraries, Big Heroes, by Miranda Paul. The book tells the story of how Todd Bol was looking for a way to honor the memory of his mom after she died. He remembered that she had taught neighborhood kids how to read, and it gave him an idea. Creating a one-room schoolhouse from pieces of an old door, he attached it to a post, stacked books inside, nailed a sign on the front, and put it on his lawn. It took a while for neighbors to catch on to what he was doing, but then his little library became very popular.
Working with his friend Rick Brooks, Bol decided to create lots of little schoolhouses to sell. Again, they were slow to catch on, but once they did, people loved them. The libraries have now sprung up all over the world, where they have become neighborhood meeting places and encouraged literacy in populations that have little access to books. Most are built by the people who maintain them.
I was particularly excited to receive this book for review, as I’ve had a Little Free Library in my own front yard for several years. And just as the founders hoped for all the libraries they have inspired, mine brings together neighbors around things they like to read.
John Parra’s illustrations for the book are fun to look at, and an author’s note at the back talks more about the founders and other facts. Little Libraries, Big Heroes is a great read-aloud for parents of young children, and it can inspire kids to read more as well as spread the love of reading. I highly recommend it.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this title in exchange for my honest review.